Created on
03:44 PM
- edited on
05:30 AM
This tutorial will demonstrate how to execute PySpark jobs on an HDP cluster and pass in parameter values using the Livy REST interface. I will also demonstrate how to interact with Livy via Apache Zeppelin and use forms in Zeppelin to pass in parameter values. Livy is an open source REST interface for interacting with Spark.
A PySpark script that resides on the Livy server aggregates order statistics from a Hive table for a date range passed in as parameters to the Python script.
The Start and End dates are passed in as parameter values to the Python script.
The job runs on the cluster via YARN and produces the following output:
Start Date | End Date | City | Min Order Amt | Max Order Amt | Avg Order Amt |
2017-02-06 | 2017-02-15 | Chicago | 54.23 | 788.23 | 354.23 |
2017-02-06 | 2017-02-15 | San Francisco | 98.23 | 1032.12 | 634.12 |
Users can execute the PySpark script via Livy using curl from a terminal window, Apache Zeppelin, or other applications.
from pyspark import SparkContext, HiveContext import sys sc = SparkContext('yarn-client') spark = HiveContext(sc) start_date=sys.argv[1] end_date=sys.argv[2] sql = """ select '%s' start_date, '%s' as end_date, city, min(order_amt) as min_order_amount, max(order_amt) as max_order_amount, avg(order_amt) as average_order_amount from orders where to_date(order_date) between '%s' and '%s' group by city order by city """ %(start_date,end_date,start_date,end_date) spark.sql(sql).show()
How to call PySpark Script:
Command to run script:
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"file": "file:/tmp/", "name": "Livy PySpark Example", "executorCores":4, "proxyUser": "test_livy_impersonation","args":["2017-01-15","2017-01-19"]}' | python -m json.tool
*Note: The default Livy port will be 8998
After executing the above command, you will get the following output which gives you the session ID number:
Get output:
Depending on the complexity of processing and availability of resources on the cluster, the job completion could take some time.
Take the session ID from the output above (33) and run the following command to get the results from the log file:
curl | python -m json.tool
*Note: Replace 35 above with your session ID
Results from the log file:
At a minimum, configure Zeppelin’s Livy server interpreter and set ‘zeppelin.livy.url’ to your Livy server:
Also, set livy.spark.master to YARN if you want jobs to run on YARN:
If your cluster is Kerberized, then you will need to set values for ‘zeppelin.livy.keytab’ and ‘zeppelin.livy.principal’:
Sample output from my Hive table using Spark Sql interpreter (%sql):
You can access the data in this Hive table using PySpark via the Livy interpreter (%livy.pyspark) with input forms that pass parameter values to your PySpark script:
This also works with the Spark SQL (%sql) interpreter: