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While running sandbox-hdp docker container on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, I came across a problem and found a solution, which is pretty simple:

  1. Download .zip file with .sh file for build docker container from here.
  2. Unzip the file
  3. Change line in docker-deploy-hdp<version>.sh
    docker run --privileged --name $name -h $hostname --network=cda --network-alias=$hostname -d "$registry/$name:$version"


    docker run --privileged -m=<at least 12g works for me> --name $name -h $hostname --network=cda --network-alias=$hostname -d "$registry/$name:$version"


  4. Now, you can run a script, but probably you will need to re-run the second part after line #Deploy the proxy container. To make sure, run docker ps and check if sandbox-proxy container is running; if not, just run the second part of the script.

Like I said, for me that works, hope it will work for you.

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