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Created on 08-26-2022 06:12 PM - edited 06-26-2023 05:20 AM
Cloudera has implemented dbt adapters for Hive, Spark (CDE and Livy), and Impala. In addition to providing the adapters, Cloudera is offering a turn-key solution to be able to manage the end-to-end software development life cycle (SDLC) of dbt models. This solution is available in all clouds as well as on-prem deployments of CDP. It is useful for customers who would not like to use dbt Cloud for security reasons or the lack of availability of adapters in dbt cloud.
We have identified the following requirements for any solution that supports the end-to-end SDLC of data transformation pipelines using dbt.
- Have multiple environments
- Dev
- Stage/Test
- Prod
- Have a dev setup where different users can do the following in an isolated way:
- Make changes to models
- Test changes
- See logs of tests
- Update docs in the models and see docs
- Have a CI/CD pipeline to push committed changes in the git repo to stage/prod environments
- See logs in stage/prod of the dbt runs
- See dbt docs in stage/prod
- Orchestration: Ability to run dbt run regularly to update the models in the warehouse, or based on events(Kafka)
- Everything should be part of one application(tool) like CDP or CML
- Alerting and Monitoring, if there is a failure how IT team will know that
Any deployment for dbt should also satisfy the following
- Convenient for analysts - no terminal/shells/installing software on a laptop. Should be able to use a browser.
- Support isolation across different users using it in dev
- Support isolation between different environments (dev/stage/prod)
- Secure login - SAML
- Be able to upgrade the adapters or core seamlessly
- Vulnerability scans and fixing CVEs
- Able to add and remove users for dbt - Admin privilege
Cloudera Data Platform has a service, CML, which offers users the ability to build and manage all of their machine learning workloads. The same capabilities of CML can also be used to satisfy the requirements for the end-to-end SDLC of dbt models.
In this document, we will show how an admin can set up the different capabilities in CML like workspaces, projects, sessions, and runtime catalogs so that an analyst can work with their dbt models without having to worry about anything else.
First, we will show how an admin can set up
- CML workspaces for different environments - development/stage/production
- CML runtime catalog within a workspace, with the Cloudera provided container with dbt-core and all adapters supported by Cloudera
- CML project for stage/prod (i.e., automated/non-development) environments. Analysts create their own projects for their development work.
- CML jobs to run the following commands in an automated way on a regular basis
- git clone
- dbt debug
- dbt run
- dbt doc generate
- CML apps to serve model documentation in stage/prod
Next, we will show how an analyst can build, test, and merge changes to dbt models by using
- CML project to work in isolation without being affected by other users
- CML user jupyter sessions - for interactive IDE of dbt models
- git to get the changes reviewed and pushed to production
Finally, we will show how by using CML all of the requirements listed above can be satisfied.
Administrator steps
- Administrator should have access to the CDP Control Plane and admin permissions to CML
- There should be a CDP Environment available for use. If there isn’t one, create one as per documentation Register an AWS environment from CDP UI
- Access to a git repository with basic dbt scaffolding (using proxies if needed). If such a repository does not exist, follow the steps in Getting started with dbt Core
- Access to custom runtime catalog (using proxies if needed)
- Machine user credentials - user/pass or kerberos - for stage and production environments. See CDP machine user on creating machine users for hive/impala/spark.
Note: The document details a simple setup within CML where we will
A more robust setup where dev, stage, and prod are isolated from each other at the hardware level can also be done by creating separate workspaces for each of dev, stage, and prod environments. We have tested this offering only on AWS at this point but we are working to test it on other public cloud providers. |
Step 1. Create a workspace for dbt
- Create a new workspace for dbt by clicking on Provision Workspace in the CML Workspaces tab.
- This will open up a form with several fields. Enable the toggle “Advanced Options”. See the table below for the recommended values for each of the fields
Field Name
Recommended Value
Workspace Name
This workspace will be used for all of dev/stage/prod. Or you can create one each for dev/stage/prod
Important: Pick the same CDP Environment that has the datahub cluster with hive/impala/spark or the CDW (hive/impala) OR CDE (spark) services. Otherwise, you will have to set up the right network settings to allow access to the hive/impala/spark clusters.
CPU Settings
Instance Type
m5.2xlarge,8 CPU,32GiB
Autoscale Range
Root Volume Size
GPU Instances
For dbt, the user won’t need GPU Instances so that can be turned off.
Network Settings
Subnets for Worker Nodes
subnet1, subnet2
Pick the subnets that have the datahub cluster or the CDW/CDE services. See documentation below on how to get the subnet values.
Subnets for Load Balancer
Same as worker nodes
Load Balance Source Ranges
Enable Fully Private Cluster
Enable Public IP Address for Load Balancer
Restrict access to Kubernetes API server to authorized IP ranges
Production Machine Learning
Enable Governance
Enable Model Metrics
Other Settings
Enable TLS
Enable Monitoring
Skip Validation
CML Static Subdomain
- Click on Provision Workspace after filling out the form.
- Workspace creation takes several minutes. You can see the workspace being created along with logs in the workspace page.
- Once created, the workspace shows up in the workspace list.
- Click on the workspace to then work within the workspace
Find the subnets needed for CML Workspace
Admin will need to choose two public subnets from the drop-down. Two subnets are a CML requirement. We recommend using the same subnets and running the warehouse instances. If the admin is not sure which two subnets to select, they can obtain the subnets by following these steps:
- From CDP Console, click on the Management Console tile and then click on the environment name from the list which is used to create the CML workspace, as shown below:
- On the Environments page, click on the Summary tab:
- Scroll down to the Network section and all the subnets are listed in the section, as shown below
Step 2. Create and enable a custom runtime in CML with dbt
In the workspace screen, click on “Runtime Catalog” to create a custom runtime with dbt.
Step 2.1. Create a new runtime environment
- Select the Runtime Catalog from the side menu, and click Add Runtime button:
- Find most recent docker image here, paste most recent image and click on Validate.
- When validation succeeds, click on “Add to Catalog”.
- The new runtime will show up in the list of runtimes
Step 2.2. Set runtime as default for all new sessions
- In the workspace’s side menu, select Site Administration and scroll down to the Engine Images section.
- Add a new Engine image by adding the following values
Make this runtime the default for all new sessions in this workspace
Step 3. Setup projects for stage and prod (automated) environments
Admins create projects for stage and prod (and other automated) environments. Analysts can create their own projects.
Creating a new project for stage/prod requires the following steps:
- Create a CML project
- Set up environment variables for credentials and scripts
Step 3.1. Create a CML project
- From the workspace screen, click on Add Project
- Fill out the basic information for the project
Project Name
Name of the dbt project running in stage/prod
Project Description
Project Visibility
Recommend private for prod and stage
Initial Setup
We will set up git repos separately via CML Jobs later in prod/stage.
- Runtime setup - Click on the “Advanced” tab. Add a new runtime by providing the following values and click on add runtime
Python 3.9
dbt custom runtime
This is the custom runtime that was added earlier
This version is automatically picked up from the custom runtime.
- Click the Create Project button on the bottom right corner of the screen
Note: Since JupyterLab creates checkpoints, it may mess up with the dbt project. Follow the steps below to avoid this:
Redirecting Jupyter Lab’s checkpoints
Since JupyterLab creates checkpoints in each directory this interrupts with dbt project file structure and may cause an error though we can redirect these checkpoints to a specified folder. Follow the steps to redirect Jupyter lab checkpoints:
- Open the terminal by clicking the Terminal tile. The terminal looks like this:
- Create a new directory in the /home/cdsw folder by running the following command:
mkdir checkpoints
- Copy the script to .jupyter/ directory:
cp /build/jupyter_notebook_config.py .jupyter/
Restart the session and checkpoints will be redirected to the specified directory
Step 3.2. Set environment variables to be used in automation
To avoid checking profile parameters (users credentials) to git, the user SSH key can be configured for access to the git repo (How to work with Github repositories in CML/CDSW - Cloudera Community - 303205)
- Click Project Settings from the side menu on the project home page and click on Advanced tab
- Enter the environment variables. Click on
to add more environment variables.
Repository that has the dbt models and profiles.yml
Adapter specific configs passed as environment variables
There could be different environment variables that need to be set depending on the specific engine and access methods like Kerberos or LDAP. Refer to the engine-specific adapter documentation to get the full list of parameters in the credentials.
- Environment variables will look like as shown below:
- Click the Submit button on the right side of the section
Note: dbt_impala_demo: |
Note: Environment variables are really flexible. You can use them for any field in the profiles.yml jaffle_shop: |
In Step 4.3. Setup dbt debug job, you will be able to test and make sure that the credentials provided to the warehouse are accurate.
Step 4. Create jobs and pipeline for stage/prod
CML jobs will be created for the following jobs to be run in order as a pipeline to be run on a regular basis whenever there is a change pushed to the dbt models repository.
- Get the scripts for the different jobs
- git clone/pull
- dbt debug
- dbt run
- dbt docs generate
All the scripts for the jobs are available in the custom runtime that is provided. These scripts rely on the project environment variables that have been created in the previous section.
Step 4.1 Setup scripts location
Scripts are present under the /scripts folder as part of the dbt custom runtime. However, the CML jobs file interface only lists the files under the home directory (/home/cdsw).
Create a session with the custom runtime:
and from the terminal command line, copy the scripts to the home folder.
cp -r /scripts /home/cdsw/
Step 4.2. Setup git clone job
Create a new job for git clone and select the job script from the scripts folder updated in Step 4.1
Update the arguments and environment variables, and create the job.
Field Name | Value | Comment |
Name | job-git-clone | |
Script | scripts/job-git-clone.py | This is the script which would be executed in this job step. |
Arguments | /home/cdsw/dbt-impala-example/dbt_impala_demo | Path of the dbt project file, which is part of the repo. |
Editor | JupyterLab | |
Kernel | Python 3.9 | |
Edition | dbt custom runtime | |
Version | 1.1 | |
Runtime Image | Find most updated docker image here | |
Schedule | Recurring; Every hour | This can be configured as either Manual/Recurring or Dependent |
Use a cron expression | Check, 0**** | Default value |
Resource profile | 1vCPU/2GiB | |
Timeout In Minutes | - | Optional timeout for the job |
Environment Variables | These can be used to overwrite settings passed at project level (Section 3.2) | |
Job Report Recipients | Recipients to be notified on job status | |
Attachments | Attachments if any |
Step 4.3. Setup dbt debug job
Field Name | Value | Comment |
Name | job-dbt-debug | |
Script | scripts/job-dbt-debug.py | This is the script that would be executed in this job step. |
Arguments | /home/cdsw/dbt-impala-example/dbt_impala_demo | Path of the dbt project file, which is part of the repo. |
Editor | JupyterLab | |
Kernel | Python 3.9 | |
Edition | dbt custom runtime | |
Version | 1.1 | |
Runtime Image | public.ecr.aws/d7w2o6p0/dbt-cml:1.1.15 | Find most updated docker image here |
Schedulable | Dependent | Make sure that this job runs only after cloning/updating the git repo. |
job-git-clone | Job-dbt-debug is dependent on job-git-clone, and will run only after it completes. | |
Resource profile | 1vCPU/2GiB | |
Timeout In Minutes | - | Optional timeout for the job |
Environment Variables | These can be used to overwrite settings passed at project level (Section 3.2) | |
Job Report Recipients | Recipients to be notified on job status | |
Attachments | Attachments if any |
Step 4.4. Setup dbt run job
Field Name | Value | Comment |
Name | job-dbt-run | |
Script | scripts/job-dbt-run.py | This is the script which would be executed in this job step. |
Arguments | /home/cdsw/dbt-impala-example/dbt_impala_demo | Path of the dbt project file, which is part of the repo. |
Editor | JupyterLab | |
Kernel | Python 3.9 | |
Edition | dbt custom runtime | |
Version | 1.1 | |
Runtime Image | public.ecr.aws/d7w2o6p0/dbt-cml:1.1.15 | Find most updated docker image here |
Schedulable | Dependent | Make sure that this job depends on dbt-debug job. |
job-dbt-debug | Job-dbt-run is dependent on job-dbt-debug, and will run only after it completes. | |
Resource profile | 1vCPU/2GiB | |
Timeout In Minutes | - | Optional timeout for the job |
Environment Variables | These can be used to overwrite settings passed at project level (Section 3.2) | |
Job Report Recipients | Recipients to be notified on job status | |
Attachments | Attachments if any |
Step 4.5. Setup dbt docs generate job
Field Name | Value | Comment |
Name | job-doc-generate | |
Script | scripts/dbt-docs-generate.py | This is the script which would be executed in this job step. |
Arguments | /home/cdsw/dbt-impala-example/dbt_impala_demo | Path of the dbt project file, which is part of the repo. |
Editor | JupyterLab | |
Kernel | Python 3.9 | |
Edition | dbt custom runtime | |
Version | 1.1 | |
Runtime Image | public.ecr.aws/d7w2o6p0/dbt-cml:1.1.15 | Find most updated docker image here |
Schedulable | Dependent | Generate docs only after the models have been updated. |
dbt-docs-run | dbt-docs-generate is dependent on job-dbt-run, and will run only after it completes. | |
Resource profile | 1vCPU/2GiB | |
Timeout In Minutes | - | Optional timeout for the job |
Environment Variables | These can be used to overwrite settings passed at project level (Section 3.2) | |
Job Report Recipients | Recipients to be notified on job status | |
Attachments | Attachments if any |
After following the 4 steps above, there will be a pipeline with the 4 jobs that run one after the other, only when the previous job succeeds
Step 5. Create an app to serve documentation
The dbt docs generate job generates static HTML documentation for all the dbt models. In this step, you will create an app to serve the documentation. The script for the app will be available in the custom runtime that is provided.
- Within the Project page, click on Applications
- Create a new Application
- Click Set Environment Variable
Add the environment variable TARGET_PATH. This should be the same path where dbt docs generated the target folder inside the dbt project.Field
Python script to serve the static HTML doc page generated by dbt docs generate. This is part of the CML runtime image.
dbt custom runtime
dbt custom runtime which was added to the runtime catalog.
Environment Variables
Target folder path for dbt docs.
E.g. /home/cdsw/jaffle_shop/target/
Make sure of the exact path, especially the ‘/’ characters.
Note: To update any of the above parameters go back to application -> Application details. Settings -> update application. Click Restart to restart the application.
Description of Production/Stage Deployments
Details and logs for jobs
Logs are available in the workspace in the project folder
The job run details and job logs can be found as follows:
- Individual job history can be seen in the Jobs section from the side menu
- Job run details can be seen by clicking on any Run
Details and logs for doc serve app
Logs for running application can be found in applications->logs
Analyst steps
- Each analyst should have their own credentials to the underlying warehouse. They would need to set a workload password by following Setting the workload password
- Each analyst has their own schema/database to do their development and testing
- Each analyst has access to the git repo with the dbt models and has the ability to create PRs in that git repo with their changes. Admins may have to set up proxies to enable this. If you are creating your own repo as an analyst, refer to this Getting started with dbt Core
- The user SSH key can be configured for access to the git repo (How to work with Github repositories in CML/CDSW - Cloudera Community - 303205)
- Each analyst has access to the custom runtime that is provided by Cloudera. Admins may have to set up proxies to enable this.
- Each analyst has permission to create their own project. We suggest that each analyst create their own dev project to work in isolation from other analysts. If not, Admins will have to create the projects using the steps below and provide access to analysts.
Step 1. Setup a dev project
Step 1.1. Create a CML project
- From the workspace screen, click on Add Project
- Fill out the basic information for the project
Project Name
If not using a shared project, we suggest prefixing the name of the project with the user name so that it is easily identified
Project Description
Project Visibility
Recommend private for prod
Initial Setup
- Runtime setup - Click on the “Advanced” tab. Add a new runtime by providing the following values and click on add runtime
Python 3.9
dbt custom runtime
This is the custom runtime that was added by the admin in earlier steps.
This version is automatically picked up from the custom runtime.
- Click the Create Project button on the bottom right corner of the screen
Step 1.2. Set environment variables
To avoid checking profile parameters (users credentials) to git, we leverage environment variables that are set at a Project-level.
- Click Project Settings from the side menu on the project home page and click on the Advanced tab
- Enter the environment variables. Click on
to add more environment variables.
Username used by the analyst. See prerequisites.
Set the workload password by following Setting the workload password
Instance host name
Db name to be worked on
Schema used
There could be different environment variables that need to be set depending on the specific engine and access methods like Kerberos or LDAP. Refer to the engine-specific adapter documentation to get the full list of parameters in the credentials. - Environment variables will look like as shown below:
- Click the Submit button on the right side of the section
You will have to use the credential environment variables in the profiles.yml file in the dbt project that is checked into DBT_GIT_REPO. So, the profiles.yml would look like below:jaffle_shop:
target: dev
type: impala
user: "{{ env_var('DBT_USER') }}"
password: "{{ env_var('DBT_PASSWORD') }}"
port: 5432
dbname: jaffle_shop
schema: dbt_alice
threads: 4Note:
Environment variables are really flexible. You can use them for any field in the profiles.yml
target: dev
type: "{{ env_var('DBT_ENGINE_TYPE') }}"
host:"{{ env_var('DBT_ENGINE_HOST') }}"
user: "{{ env_var('DBT_USER') }}"
password: "{{ env_var('DBT_PASSWORD') }}"
port: "{{ env_var('DBT_ENGINE_PORT') }}"
dbname: "{{ env_var('DBT_DBNAME') }}"
schema: "{{ env_var('DBT_SCHEMA') }}"
threads: "{{ env_var('DBT_THREADS') }}"
Step 2. Setup jupyter session for development flow
Step 2.1. Create a new jupyter session
- On the project, page click on New Session
- Fill in the form for the session
Session name
This private session will be used by the analyst for their work
Python 3.9
dbt custom runtime
Automatically picked up from the runtime
Enable Spark
Runtime image
Automatically picked up
Resource Profile
1 vCPU/2GB Memory
- Click on “Start Session”. Ignore these screens if they show up.
- Click on Terminal to open a shell
Redirecting Jupyter Lab’s checkpoints
Since JupyterLab creates checkpoints in each directory this interrupts with dbt project file structure and may cause an error though we can redirect these checkpoints to a specified folder. Follow the steps to redirect Jupyter lab checkpoints:
- Open the terminal by clicking the Terminal tile. The terminal looks like this:
- Create a new directory in the /home/cdsw folder by running the following command:
mkdir checkpoints
- Copy the script to .jupyter/ directory:
cp /build/jupyter_notebook_config.py .jupyter/
Restart the session and checkpoints will be redirected to the specified directory
Step 2.2. Clone dbt repository to start working on it
Clone the repository from within the terminal. Note that the ssh key for git access is a prerequisite.
Sample command:
git clone git@github.com:cloudera/dbt-impala-example.git
Once you clone the repo, you can browse the files in the repo and edit them in the built-in editor.
If the repository does not already have a profiles.yml, create your own yml file within the terminal and run dbt debug to verify that the connection works.
$ mkdir $HOME/.dbt
$ cat > $HOME/.dbt/profiles.yml
type: impala
host: demodh-manager0.cdpsaasd.eu55-rsdu.cloudera.site
port: 443
dbname: dbt_test
schema: dbt_test
user: "{{ env_var('DBT_USER') }}"
password: "{{ env_var('DBT_PASSWORD') }}"
auth_type: ldap
use_http_transport: true
use_ssl: true
http_path: demodh/cdp-proxy-api/impala
target: dev
$ cd dbt-impala-example/dbt_impala_demo/
$ dbt debug
The environment variables shown above can be used to avoid having the user credentials as part of the git repo if the profile.yml is checked into git. Alternatively, the env variables can be exported as command line as well before executing the dbt commands.
export DBT_USER=srv_cia_test_user
export DBT_PASSWORD=srv_cia_test_user_password
Now you are all set!
You can start making changes to your models in the code editor and testing them.
In this document we have shown the different requirements that need to be met to support the full software development life cycle of dbt models. The table below shows how those requirements have been met.
Requirement | Will this option satisfy the requirement? If yes, how? |
Have multiple environments
| Yes, as explained above. |
Have a dev setup where different users can do the following (in an isolated way):
| Yes, per user in their Session in the workspace, having checked out their own branch of the given dbt project codebase. |
| Yes |
| Yes |
| Yes, by running the dbt docs server as a CML Application. |
Have a CI/CD pipeline to push committed changes in the git repo to stage/prod environments | Yes, either:
See logs in stage/prod of the dbt runs | Yes |
See dbt docs in stage/prod | Yes |
Convenient for analysts - no terminal/shells/installing software on a laptop. Should be able to use a browser. | Yes, user gets a shell via CML |
Support isolation across different users using it in dev | Yes, each Session workspace is isolated. |
Support isolation between different environments (dev/stage/prod) | Yes |
Secure login - SAML etc | Yes, controlled by the customer via CML |
Be able to upgrade the adapters or core seamlessly | Cloudera will publish new Runtimes. versions of the python packages to PyPI |
Vulnerability scans and fixing CVEs | Cloudera will do scans of the adapters and publish new versions with fixes. |
Ability to run dbt run regularly to update the models in the warehouse | Yes, via CML Jobs. |
You can reach out to innovation-feedback@cloudera.com if you have any questions.