Created on 09-17-2018 03:53 AM - edited 08-17-2019 06:24 AM
Hi All,
In this article we will talk about how to setup a separate zookeeper quorum for Kafka which is managed by Ambari.
Please note at this moment Amabri only can support one ZK Quorum, in order to have two Quorum in a cluster
Prerequisite: -
Steps (to setup Zookeeper Server) :- Please run all the below command in all the nodes where zookeeper will be installed manually
2. Setting up the environment variables (ease of deployment)
3. Setting up the environment with necessary Folders and permission
4. Create Zookeeper Home and Configuration Directory
5. Extract the ZooKeeper configuration files to a temporary directory and Move the files to Home Directory created previously in Step 4
6. Setup of the Configuration files
7. Copy all the ZooKeeper configuration files (zoo.cfg and ) to the $ZOOKEEPER_CONF_DIR directory and set appropriate permission
8. Initialize the ZooKeeper data directories with the 'myid' file. Create one file per ZooKeeper server, and put the number of that server in each file:
9. Finally start the zookeeper Service on all the servers
sudo -E -u zookeeper bash -c "export ZOOCFGDIR=$ZOOKEEPER_CONF_DIR ; export ZOOCFG=zoo.cfg; source $ZOOKEEPER_CONF_DIR/ ; $ZOOKEEPER_HOME/bin/ start"
10. Validate the ZK Server status , either it will be Leader or follower
sudo -E -u zookeeper bash -c "export ZOOCFGDIR=$ZOOKEEPER_CONF_DIR ; export ZOOCFG=zoo.cfg; source $ZOOKEEPER_CONF_DIR/ ; $ZOOKEEPER_HOME/bin/ status"
Steps (to be ran on Amabri Managed Cluster) :- This is to configure Kafka service to Point the Quorum to the newly setup ZK serves
Please update the “zookeeper.connect” to point to the new ZK servers for example “,,” in Amabri Kafka Config section and restart the services.
Validate Kafka Services using the new ZK quorum :-
[root@c18-node2 zookeeper]# cd /usr/hdp/current/kafka-broker
[root@c18-node2 kafka-broker]# ./bin/ --create --zookeeper --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --topic trest_demo
Created topic "test_demo".
[root@c18-node2 kafka-broker]# ./bin/ --list --zookeeper
Regards.. Sumit
Created on 09-17-2018 07:48 PM
Is it not possible to use Ambari to install separate Zookeeper Host group, then configure a Kafka host group to use the secondary Zookeeper quorum?
Created on 09-19-2018 06:22 AM
Hi Joradn ,
sorry for the delayed response.
You can create a ZK host configuration group and add 3 more servers to it , but in this case all the servers will be running in the single ensemble which is managed by Ambari and any point of time there will be only leader and rest of servers will be follower only.
You can check this by running bellow command on all the ZK server host "echo stat | nc localhost 2181 | grep Mode" as the command."