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Whenever in SmartSense bundle if ranger metric related information is not there and if there is any consistent error or if the json files are completely blank. There is probability that the metric generating scripts doesn't get environment variable so please perform the below given steps and verify again.

1) Open file /etc/ambari-server/conf/
2) Check for java.home variable and copy its value
3) Go to Ranger conf directory, cd /usr/hdp/current/ranger-admin/conf/
4) Create a new file with below content and save it.

export JAVA_HOME=<paste the java.home variable path value copied from file> 

5) Go to Ranger KMS conf directory, cd /usr/hdp/current/ranger-kms/conf/
6) Create a new file with below content and save it.

export JAVA_HOME=<paste the java.home variable path value copied from file> 

7) From Amabari Restart Ranger and Ranger KMS

😎 Generate bundle from Ambari -> SmartSense View and verify it.