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Hi all, here a few steps to get a quick example of around sqooping some Oracle Data into HDFS and Hive table working using the Oracle Developer VM and Hortonworks Sandbox. Very simple but may provide some help for people just starting out. I will be using VirtualBox for this walkthrough so I assuming you already have this installed. Also the Oracle VM will require about 2 Gig of memory and Sandbox about 8 Gig, so you will need a machine with decent a amount of memory to give this a try. I used a mac with 16 gig and it ran fine.

Step1: Download Hortonworks Sandbox and import ova into VirtualBox

Step2: Download Oracle Developer VM (this may require setting up an Oracle free account) and import ova into virtualbox.

Step3: Set up the 2 VMs so they can communicate with each other. There are many options here, but I setup a Nat Network on the second network adapter within both VM’s for this test. Few diagrams below to help. Basically set up new Nat Network in Virtualbox under Vitualbox Preference menu -> select network icon and add new Nat Network (display below – called it DensNetwork). The go into the settings for both VM’s, go to network, click on 2nd adapter and follow diagram below.

VB natnetwork diagram


VB settings – sandbox


VB setting – Oracle VM


Step4: Fire up the VM’s, open a terminal session, and ssh into the sandbox

ssh -p 2222 or ssh -p 2222 root@ - pw-hadoop

Step5: You can read up a little about Oracle CDB and PDB, will help with understanding the Jdbc connection a little if needed. The Oracle VM database will have SID of orcl12c, and Pluggable DB of orcl, all passwords will be oracle.

Step6: Sqoop will need the ojdbc6.jar in order to run correctly, I put mine in /usr/share/java/ojdbc6.jar.

Step7: Sqoop list table and Sqoop employees into HDFS.

list system tables

  • 1.sqoop list-tables --connect jdbc:oracle:thin:system/oracle@

list Pdb tables

  • 2.sqoop list-tables --driver oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver --connect jdbc:oracle:thin:system/oracle@ --username system --password oracle

import employee table (cleanup, sqoop, check out what you sqooped)

  • 1.hadoop fs -rm -R /user/hive/data/employees/
  • 2.sqoop import --connect jdbc:oracle:thin:system/oracle@ --username system --password oracle --table HR.EMPLOYEES --target-dir /user/hive/data/employees
  • 3.hadoop fs -ls /user/hive/data/employees
  • 4.hadoop fs -cat /user/hive/data/employees/part-m-00000

Step8: Add and load a hive table using beeline:

  • 1.enter beeline on sandbox terminal window
  • 2.connect - !connect jdbc:hive2:// sandbox pw or !connect jdbc:hive2://
  • 3.create database HR;
  • 4.USE HR;
  • 5.CREATE TABLE employees (employee_id int, first_name varchar(20), last_name varchar(25), email varchar(25), phone_number varchar(20), hire_date date, job_id varchar(10), salary int, commission_pct int, manager_id int, department_id int) row format delimited fields terminated by ',' lines terminated by '\n' stored as textfile;
  • 6.LOAD DATA INPATH '/user/hive/data/employees/' OVERWRITE INTO TABLE employees;
  • 7.Go ahead and query the table