So using the library, I take an image and text and hide the text in there. The library produces a new image (PNG) that has the message in it. I have a second script that extracts the text.
The images look the same to my eyes.
A future test would be to run a deep learning library or image analysis tool on the images to see if they spot the bits. They should be able to. A future NiFi tool would be to spot hidden images.
It's a fun exercise to use NiFi and it seems possible that encoding messages in images were passing through Niagra Files back in the NSA days.
Step 1: Hide Text (ExecuteStreamCommand)
Step 2: Fetch File
Step 3: UnHide Text (ExecuteStreamCommand)
The left image is the original image and the right PNG is the output image with text. The size on disk has increased at a noticeable level.
The python source code is in github and referenced below: