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I found it is a little tricky to get started with a Kerberos enabled Kafka cluster. I created this step by step recipe for securing Kafka with Kerberos, sending and receiving data on console. This is tested on HDP2.5.0 and Ambari 2.4.1.

  • Enabled Kerberos using the Ambari Kerberos setup wizard under Admin -- Kerberos menu.
  • On Ambari Kafka Config UI, change "listeners" property to "PLAINTEXTSASL://localhost:6667".
  • Restart Kafka as requested by Ambari.
  • Create a test topic in Kafka. Must use the kafka service user to do this.
$ cd /usr/hdp/current/kafka-broker/bin
$ sudo su kafka
$ kinit -k -t /etc/security/keytabs/kafka.service.keytab kafka/ip-10-0-1-130.ap-northeast-1.compute.internal

$ ./ --zookeeper ip-10-0-1-130.ap-northeast-1.compute.internal:2181 --create --topic foo --partitions 1 --replication-factor 1

Created topic "bar".
  • Grant permission to user. This can be done using Kafka native ACL mechanism or Apache Ranger. In the example, we use Kafka ACL. User bob needs to be existing in KDC.
# Grant user bob as producer on topic foo
./ --authorizer-properties zookeeper.connect=ip-10-0-1-130.ap-northeast-1.compute.internal:2181 \
  --add --allow-principal User:bob \
  --producer --topic foo

Adding ACLs for resource `Topic:foo`:
  User:bob has Allow permission for operations: Describe from hosts: *
  User:bob has Allow permission for operations: Write from hosts: *

Adding ACLs for resource `Cluster:kafka-cluster`:
  User:bob has Allow permission for operations: Create from hosts: *

Current ACLs for resource `Topic:foo`:
  User:bob has Allow permission for operations: Describe from hosts: *
  User:bob has Allow permission for operations: Write from hosts: *

# Grant user bob as consumer
./ --authorizer-properties zookeeper.connect=ip-10-0-1-130.ap-northeast-1.compute.internal:2181 \
  --add --allow-principal User:bob \
  --consumer --topic foo --group *

Adding ACLs for resource `Topic:foo`:
  User:bob has Allow permission for operations: Read from hosts: *
  User:bob has Allow permission for operations: Describe from hosts: *

Adding ACLs for resource ``:
  User:bob has Allow permission for operations: Read from hosts: *

Current ACLs for resource `Topic:foo`:
  User:bob has Allow permission for operations: Read from hosts: *
  User:bob has Allow permission for operations: Describe from hosts: *
  User:bob has Allow permission for operations: Write from hosts: *

Current ACLs for resource ``:
  User:bob has Allow permission for operations: Read from hosts: *
  • Confirm the above works using the kafka console producer and consumer scripts.
# Switch to bob user and log in to KDC.
$ kinit bob

# Start console producer 
$ ./ --broker-list ip-10-0-1-130.ap-northeast-1.compute.internal:6667 --topic foo --security-protocol PLAINTEXTSASL

# On another terminal, start console consumer
./ --zookeeper ip-10-0-1-130.ap-northeast-1.compute.internal:2181 --topic foo --security-protocol PLAINTEXTSASL 

{,,, security.protocol=PLAINTEXTSASL}

# Type something on the producer terminal, it should appears on the console terminal immediately.
Rising Star

@yjiang Creating topics with kafka user is a good practice. But If you want to create a topic as a non kafka user in a kerberized environment you need to workaround by following below steps :

If you are not using Ranger :

1. Make sure "auto.create.topic.enable = true"

2. Give acl's for the user from which you want to create a topic, for ex :

# bin/ --authorizer --authorizer-properties zookeeper.connect=localhost:2181 --add --allow-principal User:Bob --producer --topic Test-topic

3. Do a kinit as a user from which you want to create topic.

4. Now try to produce messages to topic as that user :

# ./ --broker-list <hostname-broker>:6667 --topic Test-topic --security-protocol PLAINTEXTSASL

If you are using Ranger :

Instead of point 2 in above steps you will need to add a policy for the topic in ranger. Allow permissions for that user to produce, create, consume. Restart kafka service. Then follow step 3 and 4 as mentioned above.