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This video explains how to configure Ambari Metrics System AMS High Availability.


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To enable AMS high availability, the collector has to be configured to run in a distributed mode. When the Collector is configured for distributed mode, it writes metrics to HDFS, and the components run in distributed processes, which helps to manage CPU and memory.


The following steps assume a cluster configured for a highly available NameNode.
  1. Set the HBase Root directory value to use the HDFS name service instead of the NameNode hostname.
  2. Migrate existing data from the local store to HDFS prior to switching to a distributed mode.
To switch the Metrics Collector from embedded mode to distributed mode, update the Metrics Service operation mode and the location where the metrics are being stored. In summary, the following steps are required:
  1. Stop Ambari Metrics System
  2. Prepare the Environment to migrate from Local File System to HDFS
  3. Migrate Collector Data to HDFS
  4. Configure Distributed Mode using Ambari
  5. Restart all affected and Monitoring Collector Log
  6. Stop all the services associated with the AMS component using Ambari
    AmbariUI  / Services / Ambari Metrics / Summary / Action / Stop
  7. Prepare the Environment to migrate from Local File System to HDFS
    AMS_Embedded_RootDir=$(grep -C 2 hbase.rootdir /etc/ambari-metrics-collector/conf/hbase-site.xml  | awk -F"[<|>|:]" '/value/ {print $4}' | sed 's|//||1')
    ActiveNN=$(su -l hdfs -c "hdfs haadmin -getAllServiceState | awk -F '[:| ]' '/active/ {print \$1}'")
    NN_Port=$(su -l hdfs -c "hdfs haadmin -getAllServiceState | awk -F '[:| ]' '/active/ {print \$2}'")
    HDFS_Name_Service=$(grep -A 1 dfs.nameservice /etc/hadoop/conf/hdfs-site.xml  | awk -F"[<|>]" '/value/ {print $3}')
  8. Create the folder for Collector data in HDFS
    su -l hdfs -c "hdfs dfs -mkdir -p ${HDFS_AMS_PATH}"
    su -l hdfs -c "hdfs dfs -chown ${AMS_User}:${AMS_Group} ${HDFS_AMS_PATH}"
  9. Update permissions to be able to copy collector data from local file system to HDFS
    namei -l ${AMS_Embedded_RootDir}/staging
    chmod +rx ${AMS_Embedded_RootDir}/staging
  10. Copy collector data from local file system to HDFS
    su -l hdfs -c "hdfs dfs -copyFromLocal ${AMS_Embedded_RootDir} hdfs://${ActiveNN}
    su - hdfs -c "hdfs dfs -chown -R ${AMS_User}:${AMS_Group} ${HDFS_AMS_PATH}"
  11. Configure collector to distrubute mode using Ambari:
    AmbariUI / Services / Ambari Metrics / Configs / Metrics Service operation mode = 
    AmbariUI / Services / Ambari Metrics / Configs / Advanced ams-hbase-site / 
    hbase.cluster.distributed = true 
    AmbariUI / Services / Ambari Metrics / Configs / Advanced ams-hbase-site / 
    HBase root directory = hdfs://AMSHA/apps/ams/metrics
    AmbariUI / Services / HDFS / Configs / Custom core-site
    hadoop.proxyuser.hdfs.groups = *
    hadoop.proxyuser.root.groups = *
    hadoop.proxyuser.hdfs.hosts = *
    hadoop.proxyuser.root.hosts = *
    AmbariUI / Services / HDFS / Configs / HDFS Short-circuit read /Advanced 
    hdfs-site = true (check)
    AmbariUI -> Restart All required
    Note: Impersonation is the ability to allow a service user to securely access data in Hadoop on behalf of another user. When proxy users is configured, any access using a proxy are executed with the impersonated user's existing privilege levels rather than those of a superuser, like HDFS. The behavior is similar when using proxy hosts. Basically, it limits the hosts from which impersonated connections are allowed. For this article and testing purposes, all users and all hosts are allowed.
Additionally, one of the key principles behind Apache Hadoop is the idea that moving computation is cheaper than moving data. With Short-Circuit Local Reads, since the client and the data are on the same node, there is no need for the DataNode to be in the data path. Rather, the client itself can simply read the data from the local disk improving performance
Once the AMS is up and running, in the Metrics Collector Log the following message is displayed:
2018-12-12 01:21:12,132 INFO org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server: Started @14700ms
2018-12-12 01:21:12,132 INFO org.apache.hadoop.yarn.webapp.WebApps: Web app timeline started at 6188
2018-12-12 01:21:40,633 INFO org.apache.ambari.metrics.core.timeline.availability.MetricCollectorHAController:
######################### Cluster HA state ########################
CLUSTER: ambari-metrics-cluster
PARTITION: METRIC_AGGREGATORS_0         c3132-node2.user.local_12001       ONLINE
PARTITION: METRIC_AGGREGATORS_1         c3132-node2.user.local_12001       ONLINE
According to above message, there a cluster with only one collector. The next logical step, will be adding an additional Collector from Ambari Server. To do this, run the following: 
AmbariUI / Hosts / c3132-node3.user.local / Summary -> +ADD -> Metrics Collector
Note: c3132-node3.user.local is the node where you will be adding the Collector. 

Since distributed mode is already enabled, after adding the collector, start the service.
Once the AMS is up and running, the following message is displayed in the Metrics Collector Log:
2018-12-12 01:34:56,060 INFO org.apache.ambari.metrics.core.timeline.availability.MetricCollectorHAController:
######################### Cluster HA state ########################
CLUSTER: ambari-metrics-cluster
PARTITION: METRIC_AGGREGATORS_0         c3132-node2.user.local_12001       ONLINE
PARTITION: METRIC_AGGREGATORS_1         c3132-node3.user.local_12001       ONLINE
According to the above message, the cluster has two collectors. 
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