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Just some clarifications to the instructions provided in this article. Hopefully, it will save you time to get you up and running faster.

1) Nifi 401:Unauthorized Error

If you see a similar error message in the Nifi console:

ERROR [Timer-Driven Process Thread-6] o.a.nifi.processors.standard.PostHTTP PostHTTP[id=834bb9f9-a15d-42bd-8d7a-3f00c810d729] Failed to Post StandardFlowFileRecord[uuid=bc74e1c5-12e7-4da2-93b4-a3dc624218ac,claim=StandardContentClaim [resourceClaim=StandardResourceClaim[id=1471370511531-1, container=default, section=1], offset=11780, length=407],offset=0,name=12406098021784,size=407] to response code was 401:Unauthorized

and when you click "Notify Customer" in the Analyst's console and no event is updated on the Android emulator in Android Studio.

Resolution 401:Unauthorized Error

Open open the UpdateAttribute processor and add a new property called Authorization and set its value to key=your google browser key

2) Wrong Google API number

The API project number is 12 digits. Do not use the number at the end of the Google API Project ID. For example,

ID: api-project-555555555

Resolution Google API number

Use the number given in the Google API console at Project Number (see screenshot below). This will to successfully link from the Sandbox to the mobile emulator; otherwise, you'll click "Notify Customer" in the Analyst's console and no event is updated on the Android emulator in Android Studio.


3) Mobile Application Compilation FYI

I thought it helps to provide and example to this section of the Readme because it severely edits the XML syntax.

Under the res folder, browse to:

app-->res-->values-->google_maps_api.xml (debug):
string name="google_maps_key" templateMergeStrategy="preserve" translatable="false" ENTER YOUR GOOGLE BROWSER KEY CREDENTIAL HERE /string

Here's what it looks like in Android Studio with xml syntax preserved shown in green box below between "><" identifying the string.


Hope this helps!


Thank you, Ameet! The google browser key was not required by gcm when we first published this. I have heard from others it is now necessary configuration.


I have followed the instructions mentioned in and trying to simulate the mobile app. I was able to built the APK but did see the below links mentioned "the event log should show a link called "Reveal in Finder". What are the next steps ? Any help will be appreciated ..Thanks


Thank you Ameet for your tips.

I am following the link @ to set up the credit card transaction monitor application

We are trying to do the end to end demo of credit card transaction monitor app by end of this week. We tried to clone the latest code and there was a version mismatch error while building the storm topology. Latest storm code(1.x) will work with only HDP2.5 which is not available in Azure. Later I have used the git code committed on nov15 which contains the storm version(0.10.0) maps to HDP2.4.

I am able to start the transactions with the simulator jar and able to see the transactions flowing with basic details. After that I am not seeing any transactions(Transaction id,merchant type,amount,distance) in the below box after double clicking it. I have captured the screenshots of the steps which I have done.

