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In event there is an error while executing any oozie action during a workflow processing, those root cause errors are wrapped within an Oozie error and some times you have to dig a little deeper to find the root cause of the issue. Once you look in the right place (screen/log) the error gives a direct indication of what the issue is but that error is buried a couple of layers below the Oozie UI.

Follow these steps to get more details on Oozie issues -

1) Open Oozie UI


2) Locate the job instance that failed and double click on it


3) Locate the step that failed and double click on it


4) From the Action pop-up, (which also has the cryptic error message in Error Message) click on the small magnifying glass on the right hand side of the Console URL.


5) From the next screen, click on the link that reads "logs" and view the details. (TBD - Add Screen snapshot)