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How to upgrade Apache Ambari 2.6.2 to Apache Ambari 2.7.3


Apache Ambari 2.7.3 is the latest among Ambari 2.7.x releases. Ambari 2.7.0, which was the first release in the 2.7.x series introduced significant improvements from its predecessor - Ambari 2.6.2. This tutorial will help users upgrade from Ambari to Ambari 2.7.3


I. Prerequisites

1. Backup Ambari configuration file

# mkdir /root/backups
# cp /etc/ambari-server/conf/ /root/backups

2. Turn off Service Auto Restart

From Ambari UI: Admin > Service Auto Start. Set Auto Start Services to Disabled. Click Save.

3. Run Service Checks on all Ambari services

On each of the Ambari services installed on your cluster, Run Service Checks as shown below:

From Ambari UI: <Service_Name> > Service Actions > Run Service Check

For example: HDFS > Service Actions > Run Service Check


4. Start and Stop all of the Ambari services from Ambari UI.

II. Stop Services

1. If SmartSense is deployed, stop it and turn on Maintenance Mode –From Ambari Web, browse to Services > SmartSense and select Stop from the Service Actions menu. Then, select Turn on Maintenance Mode from the Service Actions menu.

2. If Ambari Metrics is deployed, stop it and turn on Maintenance Mode –From Ambari Web, browse to Services > Log Search and select Stop from the Service Actions menu. Then, select Turn on Maintenance Mode from the Service Actions menu.

3. If you are running Log Search in your cluster, stop the service. –From Ambari Web, browse to Services > Log Search and select Stop from the Service Actions menu. Then, select Turn on Maintenance Mode from the Service Actions menu.

4. Stop Ambari server

# ambari-server stop

5. Stop Ambari agents

# ambari-agent stop

6. Backup Ambari database

# mysqldump -u ambari -p ambari > /root/backups/ambari-before-upgrade.sql

III. Download Ambari 2.7.3 repository

1. Replace the old Ambari repository with the latest on on all hosts in the cluster

# wget -nv -O /etc/yum.repos.d/ambari.repo

2. Upgrade Ambari server

# yum clean all
# yum upgrade ambari-server

Important:If you have deployed HDF components in your HDP setup, you need to upgrade the HDF Management Pack before upgrading the Database Schema in step IV:
Upgrade the HDF Management Pack

3. Upgrade Ambari agents

# yum clean all
# yum upgrade ambari-agent

IV. Upgrade Database Schema

1. On the Ambari server host, upgrade the Ambari database schema

# ambari-server upgrade

2. Start Ambari server

# ambari-server start

3. Start Ambari agents

# ambari-agent start

V. Verify Ambari version

From the Ambari UI: Go to Admin > About
