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Cloudera Employee

For users experiencing trouble uploading a file to a case using the standard ‘UPLOAD FILE(s)’ method from the Case Attachment tab, the following alternatives exist:

Option 1: Upload files from the command line

10GB Limit

This method utilizes a java program to allow case attachments to be uploaded via the command line. This method is intended for those who are experiencing trouble with the case attachment UI or who prefer to upload a file from the command line.  This method also supports proxy parameters

How to use:
  • Download the JAR
  • Run the program:

    Usage: java -jar cloudera.attachment.cli.jar [case_number] [email_address] [file_name...]

    Example:  java -jar cloudera.attachment.cli.jar 55555 logs1.log logs2.log

    The above example uploads logs1.log and logs2.log to case number 55555 from

    Supported proxy command line properties include:  -Dhttp.proxyHost=, -Dhttp.proxyPort=, -Dhttp.proxyUsername=, -Dhttp.proxyPassword=

    Example: java -jar -Dhttp.proxyHost=192.x.x.x -Dhttp.proxyPort=8080 cloudera.attachment.cli.jar 55555 logs1.log

Option 2: Uploading a file to Cloudera using SFTP

The following method should only be used when you are unable to upload a file to a case using either the standard ‘Upload case attachments’ link or the script above . In order to upload a file using SFTP, please follow the below instructions.

  1. Download an RSA Key

    Before you can upload files, you must use the link below to download an RSA key for your account. The RSA key enables you to securely transfer log files and other sensitive information to Cloudera for support and diagnostic purposes. For more information, contact your support representative via the Support ticket portal


    Note: You may have to change the permissions on the downloaded file to 0600 to use with SFTP.
  2. Uploading files to is secure because Cloudera is using SFTP instead of FTP. To upload a file to, use the command scp or a similar one such as winscp. The user account you will use for the connection is customers, and you will use your downloaded RSA key for authentication. You will not need a password.

    Ensure the file(s) being uploaded to the FTP server has permissions for the group to read the file (e.g. chmod 0640)

    Here is an example of using scp with an RSA key called your_rsa_key to upload a file called logfiles.tgz:

    localhost: jonathan$ scp -i ~/downloaded_rsa_key ~/logfiles.tgz

    logfiles.tgz    100% 121KB 121.3KB/s  00:00

    localhost: jonathan$

  3. Update the related case

    Once the file(s) has been uploaded to the FTP site, update the case to indicate the files, including file names, have been uploaded to the FTP site.

Generating a Public Key

A public key is not required for you to upload files; the RSA key is all you need. But if you want to use the same RSA key identity for some other reason, you can generate a public key for your RSA key.

To generate the public key for your downloaded RSA key, use the command ssh-keygen -y

For example:

localhost: jonathan$ ssh-keygen  -y

Enter file in which the key is (~/.ssh/id_rsa): ~/downloaded_rsa_key

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