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The solution in this article was tested for DB2 and could work for other databases as well , that are not available in the GenerateTableFetch Database Type dropdown.

I was trying to develop a flow that extracted data from a few tables in DB2 database and the goal was to land that data into HDFS. Our flow was a Basic ListDatabaseTables followed by a GenerateTableFetch followed by a ExecuteSSQL. The idea was to generate multiple queries that could parallelly extract data from the db2 nodes, utilizing all the 3 NiFi nodes in the cluster.

The problem we ran into was that there is no option for DB2 in the GenerateTableFetch DBType property. Which means we had to select the generic option.

Upon running the flow, the select query failed to execute on DB2. On investigating we found that the query generated by GenerateTableFetch looked like this

select id,name,update_dt,state,city,address from customers where update_dt<='01-01-2018 12:00:00' order by update_dt offset 10000 limit 10000

The limit and offset syntax does not work with DB2, so we basically could not use the query generated by GenerateTableFetch.

our first thought was to see if we could replcatetext to some hack offset 10000 limit 1000 , to a format that DB2 like "offset 10000 rows fetch first 10000 rows" . I quickly realised that would not be easy.

Thats when NiFi EL came to the rescue. Noticed that apart from generating the query in the flowfile content GenerateTableFetch also puts the different pieces that form the query into the flowfiles attribute. pieces like the columns to output, the column to order on , the where clause. Using these attributes and EL , i could recreate the query.

Update the ExecuteSQL "select query" property to something like this

select ${generatetablefetch.columnnames} from ${generatetablefetch.tablename} where ${generatefetchtable.whereClause} order by ${generatetablefetch.maxColumnNames} offset ${generatetablefetch.offset} rows fetch first ${generatetablefetch.limit} rows only

and vola , it works. to see the different attributes GenerateTableFetch writes to the output flowfile, refer to the documentation here.