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Using Raspberry Pi 3B+ with Apache NiFi MiNiFi and Google Coral Accelerator and Pimoroni Inky Phat

First we need to unbox our new goodies. The Inky Phat is an awesome E-Ink display with low power usage that stays displayed after shutdown!

Next I added a new Google Coral Edge TPU ML Accelerator USB Coprocessor to a new Raspberry Pi 3B+. This was so easy to integrate and get up and running.

Let's unbox this beautiful device (but be careful when it runs it can get really hot and there is a warning in the instructions). So I run this on top of an aluminum case and with a big fan on it.


Pimoroni Inky Phat

It is pretty easy to set this up and it provides a robust Python library to write to our E-Ink display. You can see an example screen here.

Pimoroni Inky pHAT ePaper eInk Display in Red

Pimoroni Inky Phat (Red)

Install Some Python Libraries and Debian Install for Inky PHAT and Coral

pip3 install font_fredoka_one
pip3 install geocoder
pip3 install fswebcam
sudo apt-get install fe
pip3 install psutil
pip3 install font_hanken_grotesk
pip3 install font_intuitive

These libraries are for the Inky, it needs fonts to write. The last TAR is for the Edge device and is a fast install documented well by Google.

Download Apache NiFi - MiNiFi Java Agent

Next up, the most important piece. You will need to have JDK 8 installed on your device if you are using the Java agent. You can also use the MiniFi C++ Agent but that may require building it for your OS/Platform. That has some interesting Python running abilities.

Google Coral Documentation - Google Edge TPU

  • Google Edge TPU ML accelerator coprocessor
  • USB 3.0 Type-C socket
  • Supports Debian Linux on host CPU
  • ASIC designed by Google that provides high performance ML inferencing for TensorFlow Lite models

Using Pretrained Tensorflow Lite Model:

Inception V4 (ImageNet)

Recognizes 1,000 types of objects

Dataset: ImageNet

Input size: 299x299

Let's run a flow:

Results (Once an hour we update our E-Ink Display with Date, IP, Run Time, Label 1)

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