Created on 07-15-201611:28 PM - edited 08-17-201911:22 AM
Teradata's JDBC connector contains two jar files (tdgssconfig.jar and terajdbc4.jar) that must both be contained within the classpath. NiFi Database processors like ExecuteSQL or PutSQL use a connection pool such as DBCPConnectionPool which defines your JDBC connection to a database like Teradata. Follow the steps below to integrate Teradata JDBC connector into your DBCPConnectionPool:
1) Download the Teradata connectors (tdgssconfig.jar and terajdbc4.jar) - you can download the Teradata v1.4.1 connector on
2) Extract the jar files (tdgssconfig.jar and terajdbc4.jar) from hdp-connector-for-teradata- and move these files to your NIFI_DIRECTORY/lib/*
3) Restart NiFi
4) Under your DBCPConnectionPool (Controller > Controller Services), Edit your existing DBCPConnectionPool (if your pool is active, disable it before editing)
5) Under the Configuration Controller Service > Properties, define the following
Database Connection URL: your Teradata jdbc connection url
Database Driver Class Name: com.teradata.jdbc.TeraDriver
Database Driver Jar Url: * Do not define anything, since you added the two jars to the NiFi classpath (nifi/lib), the driver jars will be automatically picked up -> you could only add one Jar here and you need two *which is why we added to the nifi/lib directory
Database User: Provide Database user
Password: Provide password for Database user
You're all set, you'll now be able to connect to Teradata from NiFi!