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Created on 03-28-2018 10:31 PM - edited 08-17-2019 07:54 AM
Vision Thing: Part 2: Processing, Capturing and Displaying Live Image Feeds with Apache NiFi, MiniFi, OpenCV, Python, MXNet
As part of processing live webcam images from devices I want to display the last one ingested to see what's going on. Those same images run through Apache MXNet, NVidia TensorRT and OpenCV for analysis.
I wanted to list all the images that I have stored on my NiFi server sent by Jetson TX1 device. So I went old school and have Apache NiFi server up some simple CGI script. It lists images and wraps them in HTML.
ls /opt/demo/images2/ | /opt/demo/buildpage.sh
#!/bin/sh echo '<html><head><meta http-equiv="refresh" content="60"> <title>NiFi List Images</title> </head> <body> <p> <br> <b>List Images</b> <br><br>' sed 's/^.*/<a target="_new" href="http:\/\/princeton1\.field\.hortonworks\.com\:9099\?img_name\=&">&<\/a><br\/>/' echo '</body></html>'
This works and is triggered in NiFi by HTTP request calls.
For each listed I use Apache NiFi to display that image:
To Serve Images, You need to pass in ?img_name= which is translated by NiFi into the following attribute:
Here is one image served:
Running the List Page WebSite
I have three separate HTTP Request Handlers with three separate ports. One shows a web page with the current image. One returns the current image. And the last lists images.
Ingest From NVidia Jetson TX1, Sending the Images for Processing and sending the deep learning analysis elsewhere.
Our Combined Schema
Store Images and Make a copy called current.jpg and overwrite existing one.
Creating an Apache Hive Table for Jetson TX1 Updated Data
CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE IF NOT EXISTS jetsonscan (filename STRING, top1pct STRING, top5 STRING, top4 STRING, top3 STRING, top2 STRING, top1 STRING, y STRING, host STRING, h STRING, top2pct STRING, cputemp DOUBLE, endtime STRING, ipaddress STRING, imagefilename STRING, top3pct STRING, uuid STRING, facedetect STRING, diskfree STRING, cvfilename STRING, ts STRING, top4pct STRING, gputempf STRING, gputemp STRING, top5pct STRING, w STRING, memory DOUBLE, imagenet STRING, x STRING, cvface STRING, runtime STRING, cputempf STRING) STORED AS ORC LOCATION '/jetsonscan'
We have added two fields for OpenCV results.
I am using OpenCV to find faces:
Face [[357 62 61 61]] |
Make sure you turn your image gray scale before trying OpenCV HaaR Cascade Frontal Face. You need to install the XML file.
# 2017 load pictures and analyze # https://github.com/tspannhw/mxnet_rpi/blob/master/analyze.py import time import sys import datetime import subprocess import urllib2 import os import datetime import traceback import math import random, string import base64 import json import mxnet as mx import inception_predict import numpy as np import cv2 import random, string import socket import psutil from time import sleep from string import Template from time import gmtime, strftime # Time start = time.time() currenttime= strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",gmtime()) host = os.uname()[1] cpu = psutil.cpu_percent(interval=1) if 1==1: f = open('/sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp', 'r') l = f.readline() ctemp = 1.0 * float(l)/1000 usage = psutil.disk_usage("/") mem = psutil.virtual_memory() diskrootfree = "{:.1f} MB".format(float(usage.free) / 1024 / 1024) mempercent = mem.percent external_IP_and_port = ('', 53) # a.root-servers.net socket_family = socket.AF_INET def IP_address(): try: s = socket.socket(socket_family, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) s.connect(external_IP_and_port) answer = s.getsockname() s.close() return answer[0] if answer else None except socket.error: return None ipaddress = IP_address() face_cascade_path = '/media/nvidia/96ed93f9-7c40-4999-85ba-3eb24262d0a5/haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml' face_cascade = cv2.CascadeClassifier(os.path.expanduser(face_cascade_path)) scale_factor = 1.1 min_neighbors = 3 min_size = (30, 30) cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0) packet_size=3000 def randomword(length): return ''.join(random.choice(string.lowercase) for i in range(length)) #while True: # Create unique image name uniqueid = 'mxnet_uuid_{0}_{1}'.format(randomword(3),strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S",gmtime())) ret, frame = cap.read() imgdir = 'images/' filename = 'tx1_image_{0}_{1}.jpg'.format(randomword(3),strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S",gmtime())) cv2.imwrite(imgdir + filename, frame) # Run inception prediction on image try: topn = inception_predict.predict_from_local_file(imgdir + filename, N=5) except: errorcondition = "true" # CPU Temp f = open("/sys/devices/virtual/thermal/thermal_zone1/temp","r") cputemp = str( f.readline() ) cputemp = cputemp.replace('\n','') cputemp = cputemp.strip() cputemp = str(round(float(cputemp)) / 1000) cputempf = str(round(9.0/5.0 * float(cputemp) + 32)) f.close() # GPU Temp f = open("/sys/devices/virtual/thermal/thermal_zone2/temp","r") gputemp = str( f.readline() ) gputemp = gputemp.replace('\n','') gputemp = gputemp.strip() gputemp = str(round(float(gputemp)) / 1000) gputempf = str(round(9.0/5.0 * float(gputemp) + 32)) f.close() # NVidia Face Detect p = os.popen('/media/nvidia/96ed93f9-7c40-4999-85ba-3eb24262d0a5/jetson-inference/build/aarch64/bin/facedetect.sh ' + filename).read() face = p.replace('\n','|') face = face.strip() # NVidia Image Net Classify p2 = os.popen('/media/nvidia/96ed93f9-7c40-4999-85ba-3eb24262d0a5/jetson-inference/build/aarch64/bin/runclassify.sh ' + filename).read() imagenet = p2.replace('\n','|') imagenet = imagenet.strip() # 5 MXNET Analysis top1 = str(topn[0][1]) top1pct = str(round(topn[0][0],3) * 100) top2 = str(topn[1][1]) top2pct = str(round(topn[1][0],3) * 100) top3 = str(topn[2][1]) top3pct = str(round(topn[2][0],3) * 100) top4 = str(topn[3][1]) top4pct = str(round(topn[3][0],3) * 100) top5 = str(topn[4][1]) top5pct = str(round(topn[4][0],3) * 100) # OpenCV infname = "/media/nvidia/96ed93f9-7c40-4999-85ba-3eb24262d0a5/images" + filename flags = cv2.CASCADE_SCALE_IMAGE #image_path = os.path.expanduser(infname) image = cv2.imread(imgdir + filename) #frame gray = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) faces = face_cascade.detectMultiScale(gray, scaleFactor = scale_factor, minNeighbors = min_neighbors, minSize = min_size, flags = flags) # Create Face Images x = 0 y = 0 w = 0 h = 0 outfilename = filename outfname = filename cvface = '' cvfilename = '' for( x1, y1, w1, h1 ) in faces: cv2.rectangle(image, (x, y), (x + w, y + h), (255, 255, 0), 2) outfname = "/media/nvidia/96ed93f9-7c40-4999-85ba-3eb24262d0a5/images/%s.faces.jpg" % os.path.basename(infname) cv2.imwrite(os.path.expanduser(outfname), image) cvfilename += outfname cvface += 'Face {0}'.format(faces) outfilename = outfname x = x1 y = y1 w = w1 h = h1 endtime= strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",gmtime()) end = time.time() row = { 'uuid': uniqueid, 'top1pct': top1pct, 'top1': top1, 'top2pct': top2pct, 'top2': top2,'top3pct': top3pct, 'top3': top3,'top4pct': top4pct,'top4': top4, 'top5pct': top5pct,'top5': top5, 'gputemp': gputemp, 'imagefilename': filename, 'gputempf': gputempf, 'cputempf': cputempf, 'runtime': str(round(end - start)), 'facedetect': face, 'imagenet': imagenet, 'ts': currenttime, 'endtime': endtime, 'host': host, 'memory': mempercent, 'diskfree': diskrootfree, 'cputemp': round(ctemp,2), 'ipaddress': ipaddress, 'x': str(x), 'y': str(y), 'w': str(w), 'h': str(h), 'filename': outfname, 'cvface': cvface, 'cvfilename': cvfilename } json_string = json.dumps(row) print (json_string )
See Part 1: https://community.hortonworks.com/content/kbentry/182850/vision-thing.html
You can find all the Python, Shell Scripts and HTML here:
Github: https://github.com/tspannhw/OpenSourceComputerVision/