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We have seen performance issue and stability issue in heavy workload system, this is due to disk latency/Shared Disk. I.e frequent namenode failover, longer boot time, slower checkpoint, slower logging, Higher fsync will cause session expiry, etc.

We never recommend a shared disk for Namenode, Journal node and Zookeeper. All of these services should have a dedicated disk.

You can configure following disk type according to your HDFS workload.
 Namenode fsimage directory, dedicated disk => HDD 15K RPM 
 Namenode edit log directory, dedicated disk => SSD 
[dataDir from zoo.cfg]
 Zoookeeper snapshot and transaction logs, for normal usage from ZKFC and HBase => HDD 15K RPM 
 Zoookeeper snapshot and transaction logs, If it used by Nifi/ Accumulo/ Kafka/ Storm/ HBase and ZKFC => SSD 

If you are using RAID for meta-directory( & dfs.journalnode.edits.dir), then disable RAID and check the Non-RAID performance. There is a strong redundant for meta-directory (fsimage & edits are available from Standby NameNode and remaining QJNs).

If RAID is not disabled for JN, then consider using different RAID. RAID 1 and RAID 10 are also good for the dfs.journalnode.edits.dir set rather than RAID 5, due to increased in write latency for small block writes.

if you don't have a faster disk, then don't consider using fsimage replication. It will impact write performance even if one of the disks slower.