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[ANNOUNCE] Cloudera Altus Director 6.1.0 Released


We are pleased to announce the release of Cloudera Altus Director 6.1.0.


Altus Director provides a simple, reliable, enterprise-grade way to deploy, scale, and manage Apache Hadoop in the cloud of your choice. Altus Director is fully supported with Cloudera Enterprise 5 and Cloudera Enterprise 6.


What's New in Altus Director 6.1.0

  • CM6.1 and CDH6.1 support
  • Strengthened security through improved support for running behind a proxy
  • Improved cluster customization through enhancements to lifecycle scripts
  • Better support for long-running clusters through relaxed validation of images when growing
  • Support for deploying with OpenJDK
  • Better Google Cloud Platform experience through support for Subnetworks


For more info on downloading and installing Altus Director, see the links below.



As always, we are happy to hear your feedback. Please post your questions and comments on our community forum.