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[ANNOUNCE] Cloudera Enterprise 5.7.6 Released

Rising Star

Dear CDH, Cloudera Manager, and Cloudera Navigator users,


We are pleased to announce the release of Cloudera Enterprise 5.7.6 (CDH 5.7.6, Cloudera Manager 5.7.6, and Cloudera Navigator 2.6.6).


This release fixes key bugs and includes the following:


CDH fixes for the following issues:


  • HADOOP-13838 - KMSTokenRenewer should close providers
  • HBASE-15430 - Failed taking snapshot - Manifest proto-message too large
  • HDFS-10271 - Extra bytes are getting released from reservedSpace for append
  • HDFS-10763 - Open files can leak permanently due to inconsistent lease update
  • HDFS-11229 - HDFS-11056 failed to close meta file
  • HIVE-12465 - Hive might produce wrong results when (outer) joins are merged
  • HIVE-13539 - HiveHFileOutputFormat searching the wrong directory for HFiles
  • HIVE-15338 - Wrong result from non-vectorized DATEDIFF with scalar parameter of type DATE/TIMESTAMP
  • HUE-4466 - [security] Deliver csrftoken cookie with secure bit set if possible
  • IMPALA-3875 - Thrift threaded server hangs in some cases
  • IMPALA-4363 - Add Parquet timestamp validation
  • IMPALA-4423 - Correct but conservative implementation of Subquery.equals()
  • IMPALA-4488 - HS2 GetOperationStatus() should keep session alive
  • IMPALA-4550 - Fix CastExpr analysis for substituted slots
  • IMPALA-4765 - Avoid using several loading threads on one table
  • SOLR-10031 - Validation of filename params in ReplicationHandler
  • SQOOP-2983 - OraOop export has degraded performance with wide tables


For a full list of upstream JIRAs fixed in CDH 5.7.6, see the issues fixed section of the Release Notes.


Cloudera Manager fixes for the following issues:


  • Dollar sign ($) char in password results in IllegalArgumentException: Using special characters such as the dollar sign ($) for passwords and other user-supplied values with CSD-based services (those added to Cloudera Manager with custom service descriptors) raised exceptions. This has been resolved.
  • Cloudera Manager server error - JsonMappingException: Fixed an issue where a race condition can happen when getting the log links for unhealthy roles and then cause a null pointer exception for the Cloudera Manager homepage.


For a full list of upstream JIRAs fixed in CM 5.7.6, see the issues fixed section of the Release Notes.


We look forward to you trying it, using the information below:



As always, we are happy to hear your feedback. Please send your comments and suggestions to the user group or through our community forums. You can also file bugs through our external JIRA projects on