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[ANNOUNCE] Spark 2.0 Release 2

Super Collaborator

We are happy to announce Spark 2.0 release 2. You can download the parcel and apply it directly to provisioned clusters without disrupting your currently running Spark workloads.


Release 2 addresses a Hive compatibility issue that affects CDH 5.10.1 and higher, CDH 5.9.2 and higher, CDH 5.8.5 and higher, and CDH 5.7.6 and higher. If you are using one of these CDH versions, you must upgrade to the Spark 2.0 release 2 parcel to avoid Spark 2 job failures when using Hive. Release 2 is based on Apache Spark 2.0.2.


Issues Fixed in Cloudera Distribution of Apache Spark 2.0 Release 2

  • [SPARK-4563] [CORE] Allow driver to advertise a different network address
  • [SPARK-18993] Unable to build/compile Spark in IntelliJ due to missing Scala deps in spark-tags
  • [SPARK-19314] Do not allow sort before aggregation in Structured Streaming plan
  • [SPARK-18762] Web UI should be http:4040 instead of https:4040
  • [SPARK-18745] java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException running query 68 Spark SQL on (100TB)
  • [SPARK-18703] Insertion/CTAS against Hive Tables: Staging Directories and Data Files Not Dropped Until Normal Termination of JVM
  • [SPARK-18091] Deep if expressions cause Generated SpecificUnsafeProjection code to exceed JVM code size limit

Download Cloudera Distribution of Apache Spark 2.0 release 2.

Read the documentation.

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