We are pleased to announce the release of Impala JDBC v2.5.43. The release has the following fixes:
Resolved Issues in Impala JDBC 2.5.43
- When a parameter is bound to a BigDecimal Value, the driver rounds off the value incorrectly.
- In some cases, the driver incorrectly returns the following error: “Unable to obtain fetch semaphore in time. Fetch thread might have died unexpectedly”.
- Driver fails to connect through Kerberos when using a ticket cache with an IBM JVM
- In some cases, the driver fails to execute batched insert operations using prepared statements that are written in Impala syntax.
- In some cases, the driver fails to execute batched update operations.
- Driver removes comments from queries when the UseNativeQuery property is set to 1.
Getting Started with the Cloudera Driver
As always, we welcome your feedback. Please send your comments and suggestions to the user group of through our community forums. You can also file bugs through our external Jira projects on issues.cloudera.org.