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Announcing: CDH 4.7 and Search 1.3

Master Collaborator

Dear CDH, Cloudera Manager, and Search Users,


We are pleased to announce the release of CDH 4.7 and Search 1.3.  These are both minor releases that contain multiple bug fixes.


CDH 4.7

Bug fixes in CDH 4.7 include:

  • HBase

    • HBASE-10514  - Forward port HBASE-10466, possible data loss when failed flushes

    • HBASE-10257 - Master aborts due to assignment race

    • HBASE-8912 - AssignmentManager throws IllegalStateException from PENDING_OPEN to OFFLINE

  • HDFS

    • HDFS-6289 - HA failover can fail if there are pending DataNode messages for DataNodes which no longer exist

    • HDFS-5944 - LeaseManager:findLeaseWithPrefixPath can't handle path like /a/b/ right and cause SecondaryNameNode failed do checkpoint

    • HDFS-6191 - Disable quota checks when replaying edit log

    • HDFS-4943 - WebHdfsFileSystem does not work when original file path has encoded chars

    • HDFS-5064 - Standby checkpoints should not block concurrent readers

    • HDFS-6160 - TestSafeMode occasionally fails

    • HDFS-5496 - Make replication queue initialization asynchronous

    • HDFS-5438  - Flaws in block report processing can cause data loss

    • HDFS-5255  - Distcp job fails with hsftp when https is enabled in insecure cluster

    • HDFS-5074 - Allow starting up from an fsimage checkpoint in the middle of a segment

    • HDFS-4879  - Add "blocked ArrayList" collection to avoid CMS full GCs

  • Hadoop

  • MapReduce

    • MAPREDUCE-5877 - Inconsistency between JobTracker/TaskTracker for tasks taking a long time to launch

  • Hue

    • HUE-1962 - Support int row key from Hive table

    • HUE-2060 - LDAP import commands carry incorrect import statements

    • HUE-1992 - Username to lowercase switch for RemoteUserDjangoBackend

    • HUE-1873  - Result data not HTML encoded

    • HUE-1897 -  workflow IDs have double trailing slashes

  • Hive

    • HIVE-6005 - BETWEEN is broken after using KRYO

    • HIVE-4222 - Timestamp type constants cannot be deserialized in JDK 1.6 or earlier

    • HIVE-5380 - Non-default OI constructors should be supported for backwards compatibility

    • HIVE-5263 - Query Plan cloning time could be improved by using Kryo

  • Oozie

    • OOZIE-1699  - Some of the commands submitted to Oozie internal queue are never executed

  • Flume

    • FLUME-2357 - HDFS sink should retry closing files that previously had close errors


For more details on new features, see the release notes:

Refer to the “CDH4 Quick Start Guide” or the “CDH4 Installation Guide” for more information on how to install this update release.

CDH4 Quick Start Guide:

CDH4 Installation Guide:

As always, we welcome your feedback. Please send your comments and suggestions to or through our community forums.  You can also file bugs through the Distro project on  



Search 1.3

Cloudera Search 1.3.0 is an update to the Cloudera Search product.  This release contains several bug fixes.  Note that Search 1.3.0 requires CDH4.7.

For more details on new features, see “New Features in Cloudera Search Version 1.3.0”:

For access to the Cloudera Search Documentation:  


As always, we welcome your feedback. Please send your comments and suggestions to or through our new community forums.  You can also file a bug using the Search component in the Distro project on