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Title | Views | Posted |
3985 | 08-05-2016 10:36 AM | |
6506 | 06-02-2016 04:57 PM | |
6678 | 05-31-2016 03:47 PM | |
5662 | 04-11-2016 11:26 AM | |
11348 | 03-07-2016 02:04 PM |
12:42 PM
Hello CDH Users, We are pleased to announce the release of Hive ODBC v2.5.20 driver. This release has the following fixes and enhancements: Enhancements & New Features Delegate Kerberos credentials. You can now have the driver forward your Kerberos user credentials to the server to simplify the authentication process. Optimized Fast SQLPrepare behavior. The Fast SQLPrepare driver configuration option (the FastSQLPrepare key) is now disabled for non-SELECT queries. This ensures that the driver retrieves the necessary result set metadata at prepare time. Resolved Issues Unicode characters in parameter values causing errors. Returning errors for some queries with dates in them. Unable to create new tables when Unicode character types option set. Getting Started with the Cloudera Driver Read the Cloudera ODBC 2.5.20 Driver for Hive Release Notes and Installation Guide. Download the connector from the Cloudera Connectors page. As always, we welcome your feedback. Please send your comments and suggestions to the user group or through our community forums. You can also file bugs through our external JIRA projects on
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10:36 AM
1 Kudo
MySQL 5.7 support begins in CDH 5.7:
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09:06 AM
It may/may not work; and regardless, that config is not currently supported.
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03:58 PM
1 Kudo
Dear CDH, Cloudera Manager, and Cloudera Navigator users,
We are pleased to announce the release of Cloudera Enterprise 5.7.2 (CDH 5.7.2, Cloudera Manager 5.7.2, and Cloudera Navigator 2.6.2).
This release fixes key bugs and includes the following:
CDH fixes for the following issues:
HADOOP-11409 - FileContext.getFileContext can stack overflow if default fs misconfigured
HADOOP-12787 - KMS SPNEGO sequence does not work with WebHDFS
HADOOP-13251 - Authenticate with Kerberos credentials when renewing KMS delegation token
HDFS-10360 - DataNode may format directory and lose blocks if current/VERSION is missing
HBASE-11625 - Reading data block throws "Invalid HFile block magic" and can not switch to hdfs checksum
HIVE-9499 - hive.limit.query.max.table. partition makes queries fail on non-partitioned tables
HIVE-10685 - Alter table concatenate operator will cause duplicate data
IMPALA-1928 - Fix Thrift client transport wrapping order
HUE-4113 - [Pig] Hue breaks when user has only access to pig app
SQOOP-2846 - Sqoop Export with update-key failing for avro data file
For a full list of upstream JIRAs fixed in CDH 5.7.2, see the issues fixed section of the Release Notes.
Cloudera Manager fixes for the following issues
Unable to start Hue on cluster that's using Kerberos and Isilon, Hue service can now start with Isilon if Kerberos is enabledXSS in Kerberos activation: In lower releases, there was an XSS vulnerability on the Kerberos page. This is now fixed
XSS in host addition: In lower releases, there was an XSS vulnerability on the Add Hosts page. This is now fixed.
Cloudera Manager Agent clears out JN data directories that leads to HDFS not restarting
Files excluded from replication are not replicated if they are renamed: If a file excluded from replication by an exclusion filter is renamed, it is now replicated properly
For a full list of issues fixed in Cloudera Manager 5.7.2, see the issues fixed section of the Release Notes.
Cloudera Navigator fixes for the following issues:
java.lang. IllegalArgumentException error causes Navigator to crash
Navigator Metadata Server fails with nav.batch and a high amount of heap
For a full list of issues fixed in Cloudera Navigator 2.6.2, see the issues fixed section of the Release Notes.
We look forward to you trying it, using the information below:
Download Cloudera Enterprise
View the documentation
As always, we are happy to hear your feedback. Please send your comments and suggestions to the user group or through our community forums. You can also file bugs through our external JIRA projects on
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04:25 PM
Yes of course, you're right, back ports are often done. But, only for features that are production-ready.
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10:30 AM
Hi DefOS,
This JIRA is still a work-in-progress; furthermore, it is targeted for HBase 2.0, which hasn't been released yet. So, no surprise that it's not in CDH 5.7.
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10:53 AM
Cloudera is excited to announce the general availability of Cloudera Enterprise 5.8! Main highlights of this release include Impala read/write support on Amazon S3, a redesigned SQL query editor GUI, the expansion of role-based access control functionality to Cloudera Search, and the GA of Cloudera Navigator Optimizer to facilitate and optimize workload migrations.
For those new to it, Cloudera Navigator Optimizer (previously in beta) is a cloud-based service that helps with offload planning and active data optimization for Apache Hadoop. For example, it provides workload visibility and assessments for building a predictable offload plan, adapting to evolving Hadoop data and workload demands, and optimizing query performance in Impala and Apache Hive. (For more details about Cloudera Navigator Optimizer, check out the release blog post.)
As usual, Cloudera Enterprise 5.8 contains a long list of quality enhancements and bug fixes (learn more about our multi-dimensional hardening/QA process) and other improvements across the stack. Here is a partial list of those improvements (see the Release Notes for a full list):
Performance & Scale
Impala queries now 3x faster on Kerberized clusters
Significant performance improvements to Hive metadata replication in BDR
Usability & Management
Streamlined offload planning and active data optimization with Cloudera Navigator Optimizer
Redesigned SQL editor in Hue
Hive jobs can now be assigned to specific YARN resource pools based on Sentry policy (instead of default “hive” pool)
Native Cloud Support
Apache Sentry support for Amazon S3
Impala can now read and write to Amazon S3
Security & Governance
Role-based access control (Sentry) support for Impala and Hive queries over Amazon S3
Sentry support for Cloudera Search
New policy support for managed metadata assignment
Navigator SDK support for Navigator Optimizer integration
New or Updated Open Source Components
Impala 2.6
Hue 3.10
New or Updated Platform Support
Debian 8.2
Oracle JDK 1.8u74 and 1.8u91
Over the next few weeks, we’ll publish blog posts that cover some of these features in detail. In the meantime:
Download Cloudera Enterprise 5.8
Explore documentation
As always, we value your feedback; please provide any comments and suggestions through our community forums. You can also file bugs via
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01:40 PM
You just found a bug; that page was updated prematurely and will be rolled back. 5.8 will be released very, very soon though.
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12:58 PM
Current release notes always here:
5.8 is not yet available (will be so very soon, though).
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04:57 PM
We can't provide a firm date (nor feature list) due to the always present possibility of slippage, but keep in mind that we do three minor releases per year. So, it's easy enough to use the calendar to arrive at an estimate.
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