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After hive overwrite, the data of HDFS is not deleted, but retained as historical data. As a result, table data occupies more and more space. What should we do?


Master Collaborator


Seems your tables are not partitions. When you try to “INSERT OVERWRITE” to a partition of an external table under existing HDFS directory, depending on whether the partition definition already exists in the HIVE metastore or not, Hive will behave differently:

  • Suppose if partition definition does not exist, it will not try to guess where the target partition directories are either static or dynamic partitions, so it will not be able to delete existing files/data under those partitions. So that will retained as historical data of HDFS like your case.
  • But if partition definition does exist, it will attempt to remove all files/data under the target partition directory before writing new data into those directories.

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My table is a normal table. When insert overwrite, I found that I would put the old data under the HDFS directory into a folder such as base_0000003. Why not put the old data into the HDFS recycling station, which I can not understand.

Master Collaborator


Please can you share output of below command. It is hive 3.x or hive 2.x ?



I use hive 3.0,which is the information I provided


Master Collaborator

From your above output I can see it's MANAGED_TABLE. If the table has TBLPROPERTIES ("auto.purge"="true") the previous data of the table is not moved to Trash when INSERT OVERWRITE query is run against the table. This functionality is applicable only for managed tables and is turned off when "auto.purge" property is unset or set to false. For more detail HIVE-15880