@Pedro Rodgers
If schema type is same on all the 100 text files then better to create a hive external table since you already have those files on HDFS.
Example: If you have all the files under "/user/test/dummy/data" directory than run below command to create the external hive table and point it to the hdfs location.
userId BIGINT,
type INT,
level TINYINT,
date String
COMMENT 'User Infomation'
PARTITIONED BY (date String)
LOCATION '/user/test/dummy/data';
Then, create the folder date=2011-11-11
inside /user/test/dummy/data/
And put the data files of date 2011-11-11 into the folder, Once you done you also need to add the partition in the hive metastore.
ALTER TABLE user ADD PARTITION(date='2011-11-11');