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Ambari Assign Masters

Expert Contributor


I am installing a cluster composed of 9 Servers. 4 Data nodes, 3 master nodes, 1 kafka node and 1 edge node.

I have reached step 5 in my cluster installation (Assign masters). How should i distribute the services? Should my kafka server only host the kafka broker service? what about my edge server, what should it host? should the rest of the services be evenly distributed across my 3 master nodes?

Please advise



Super Guru

@Ahmad Debbas

1. kafka server host should only have kafka broker service.

2. Edge node will only have "Clients" services like [HDFS,Yarn,Kafka,ZK]. You only need to tick for "client" over here.

3. Unless you have any specific services to be allotted to any host let it be evenly distributed across 3 master nodes

For Production scenario we usually have below scenario

Master1 - NN,ZK

Master2 - RM,SNN,ZK,AM

EdgeNode - All clients + hive,oozie,sqoop,etc..

Rest DN's +NM


View solution in original post


Super Guru

@Ahmad Debbas

1. kafka server host should only have kafka broker service.

2. Edge node will only have "Clients" services like [HDFS,Yarn,Kafka,ZK]. You only need to tick for "client" over here.

3. Unless you have any specific services to be allotted to any host let it be evenly distributed across 3 master nodes

For Production scenario we usually have below scenario

Master1 - NN,ZK

Master2 - RM,SNN,ZK,AM

EdgeNode - All clients + hive,oozie,sqoop,etc..

Rest DN's +NM


Expert Contributor

thanks. is it possible to rearrange the services after i have finished installation? or i should uninstall and install again?

Master Guru

Do you really need 3 masters on such a small cluster? How about 2 masters, putting 3rd Zookeeper on the Kafka node, or on one worker node, and having 5 worker nodes? I always prefer more computing power than "book-keeping" of master nodes. You can also put Knox and Flume on the Edge node, if you use them, of course. Then, distribute other master services on 2 masters, Ambari on one, AMS collector on the other; NN on one RM on the other (or on both if you want HA). And, yes, you can move the majority of master services later, using Ambari.