Created on
04:51 AM
- last edited on
07:16 AM
Ambari UI is running slow. Currently, the cluster size is 6 nodes
Created 12-09-2019 05:41 PM
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Created 10-31-2019 04:57 AM
Especially while clicking the services tab like hdfs config etc and it became normal after ambari server restart. Kindly help me to fix this issue.
Created 10-31-2019 07:02 AM
This is nor a silver bullet but worth trying,your ambari database could be overwhelmed scanning through old data to help you narrow down the problem please do the below steps
Stop the Ambari Server by using ambari-server stop.
# ambari-server stop
Run db-purge-history
Use the cotrrect data format for your server
# ambari-server db-purge-history --cluster-name [PROD] --from-date 2016-04-01
Start the Ambari Server: by using ambari-server start .
# ambari-server start
Ref: Tuning Ambari server performance
Please revert l
Created 11-12-2019 01:30 AM
@Shelton which date we need to use in the from-date parameter?
Created 11-12-2019 01:44 AM
The example I gave purges history records created before First of April 2016 for the cluster named [PROD].
You could safely delete data from last month if you Cluster is named PROD
# ambari-server db-purge-history --cluster-name [PROD] --from-date 2019-10-31
Created 11-12-2019 02:21 AM
Can you also check heap size utilization for Ambari server. You might need to revisit Ambari server heap config if needed.
Check this link for details -
Created 11-27-2019 05:34 AM
Any updates your feedback will be appreciated.
Created 11-28-2019 03:12 AM
@Shelton I could see some improvement on the UI, after clearing the DB old logs
Created on 11-28-2019 04:23 AM - edited 11-28-2019 04:23 AM
Great, can you gauge the improvement in percentage? Can you back up your and make the below changes to further enhance the Ambari performance I usually script that as a post-install step.
Can you then take time and Accept the solution and close the thread so other members can reference it should they encounter a simpler situation.
Purging in the Ambari database from time to time should be an Admin maintenance task
Backup the ambari server properties file
# cp /etc/ambari-server/conf/ /etc/ambari-server/conf/
Change the timeout of the ambari server
# echo 'server.startup.web.timeout=120' >> /etc/ambari-server/conf/
# echo 'server.jdbc.connection-pool.acquisition-size=5' >> /etc/ambari-server/conf/
# echo 'server.jdbc.connection-pool.max-age=0' >> /etc/ambari-server/conf/
# echo 'server.jdbc.connection-pool.max-idle-time=14400' >> /etc/ambari-server/conf/
# echo 'server.jdbc.connection-pool.max-idle-time-excess=0' >> /etc/ambari-server/conf/
# echo 'server.jdbc.connection-pool.idle-test-interval=7200' >> /etc/ambari-server/conf/
Hope that helps
Happy hadooping
Created 12-05-2019 12:20 AM
Sure @Shelton