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Ambari UI works but cannot login ,Cannot Login to Ambari



I'm pretty new to hadoop in general,so i want to complete the several tutorials in order to learn. I have followed the guide in this link:

to deploy a sandbox in a VM on Azure,and while i can ssh to my sandbox,and get the web UI for Ambari, i cannot login using my passwords,which i put during the initial configuration. I have used nearly every solution i found here, but none worked.

  • Executing any of the command service ambari-server {start/stop/restart},gives me a ambari-server not loaded message.
  • Executing service ambari-server status , produces the following: ambari-server.service Loaded: not-found (Reason: No such file or directory) Active: inactive (dead)

I have also run the script,and everything went according to the plan.

So i'm guessing that ambari client works but ambari server doesnt(?). Unfortunately i am not able to resolve the problem alone,or using other similar posts i found here, so any help or guidelines would be highly appreciated.

Thank you!



@Asimakis Nikolaou

So you are able to SSH into the sandbox and access Ambari from your browser, but you aren't able to log into Ambari. You will have to set your Ambari's admin password before logging in. Note that the username/password you set up for your Azure VM is not the same as the one you use to log into Ambari.

After you set up an SSH tunnel (the tutorial covers that part), try SSH'ing into the sandbox using the following command:

ssh root@localhost -p 2222

Default password is: hadoop

Once you're logged in, run the following command in order to reset your ambari password.


That command will reset your Ambari password and restart Ambari for you.

Hope that helps, let me know how it goes!


View solution in original post



@Asimakis Nikolaou

So you are able to SSH into the sandbox and access Ambari from your browser, but you aren't able to log into Ambari. You will have to set your Ambari's admin password before logging in. Note that the username/password you set up for your Azure VM is not the same as the one you use to log into Ambari.

After you set up an SSH tunnel (the tutorial covers that part), try SSH'ing into the sandbox using the following command:

ssh root@localhost -p 2222

Default password is: hadoop

Once you're logged in, run the following command in order to reset your ambari password.


That command will reset your Ambari password and restart Ambari for you.

Hope that helps, let me know how it goes!



Thank you so much for your help. I hadn't realised i should ssh into the sandbox aswell, and even though i had used


, it hadnt start the ambari server correctly. Problem resolved through your instructions though. Thank you so much, have a nice day!
