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Title | Views | Posted |
1963 | 03-22-2018 11:48 AM | |
3167 | 01-12-2018 06:25 PM | |
5599 | 01-12-2018 03:56 AM | |
7670 | 01-12-2018 03:38 AM | |
3996 | 01-02-2018 10:29 PM |
10:21 PM
Hey @Andrew Riffle, wondering if you got around this. If not, could I suggest removing the docker container and re-creating it? I've deployed HDF a bunch of times and don't think I've come across this on the sandbox before.
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12:13 PM
Hi @Sandeep Ranjan, did you ever get this resolved? If it still isn't going through, we can get you a sandbox through other means if you're still running into issues.
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11:48 AM
1 Kudo
Hey @PiAiYi I'm a bit confused as to what you're trying to do. I'll explain a bit how the sandbox is set up and hopefully that provides a bit of context into the IPs that are in play. When you ssh using port 22, you'll notice the hostname of the machine you log into is set to "sandbox-host". This hosts main job is to provide an environment for a Docker container (if you're new to Docker, no worries). There is a second VM (the Docker container) inside of this sandbox-host machine. When you ssh using port 2222, you are logging into the second VM (with hostname sandbox-hdp), which again, is a VM inside the sandbox-host machine. When you play with the sandbox (Ambari, HBase, Hive, etc.), all those services are in this second VM (sandbox-hdp). So when you are within the sandbox-hdp machine, you can ping because that is it's own IP. The reason you may be having trouble pinging 128.222... is because that is the IP address of the outside VM. For security (and other) reasons, you're not able to ping outside machines in this way by default. What is it you're trying to do? There might be another approach we can suggest.
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06:30 PM
1 Kudo
@Diego Gimenez Heya, Looks like you have another service on your machine that's taking up the 8080 port, so requests aren't actually reaching Ambari. You can either stop the EDB Postgres service on your machine if it's not in use, or if you need to keep it on you can make a couple of changes to get the Ambari UI to show up via another port. What VM are you running the sandbox on (VirtualBox/VMware)?
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01:03 AM
@Luc Chapon Heya, check out the "Hortonworks Data Platform Add-Ons" section on Hortonworks' download page for JDBC drivers and some docs. Regarding your JDBC url: I would refer to the documentation for the best answer, but if you want to connect to Hive by querying Zookeeper, here's an excerpt from the docs: jdbc:hive2://zk= Use this option to enable the Dynamic Service Discovery feature, which allows you to
connect to Hive servers that are registered against a ZooKeeper service by connecting
to the ZooKeeper service.
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06:53 PM
@Andres Urrego Regarding the VM failing, is it the services shutting down on their own and not staying up? One common cause of this is not enough memory - to reduce resource usage try turning off all services and starting only HDFS, Zookeeper, YARN and Spark. Also make sure that you give your VM at least 8GB of RAM ( shows how). As far as documentation for Spark2/HDFS, here is a good Spark2 starter tutorial followed by a Spark2/HDFS project walkthrough.
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06:42 PM
@Matt Heya. @Jay Kumar SenSharma's is right on point, though it sounds like there's a bit of confusion as to what Hadoop's "copyFromLocal" command does and what it expects. You run the Hadoop command with the option "copyFromLocal" from within the sandbox. This command will look on the Sandbox's local filesystem and copy the files you specified into the Hadoop filesystem. I can definitely see how this may be a bit confusing - it sort of sounds like the command would pull in files from your machine into HDFS on the sandbox. Remember, though, that the sandbox exists on a virtual machine that by default is separate from your own and can't access your filesystem. So you can definitely use that command, but you'll first have to move your local files into the sandbox. There are a bunch of ways to do that in bulk, check out Jay's post regarding SCP. Hope that clarifies a bit, and good luck! 🙂
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06:25 PM
@j van Arendonk Heya! Looks like there's a bit of a mixup! You are SSH'd into the "wrong" sandbox. The VM that you set up is actually a wrapper around the "real" sandbox. See how the hostname of the machine you are SSH'd into is "sandbox-host"? You are SSH'd into the VM, whereas you want to SSH into the sandbox within the VM. There are a few different ways of doing that, feel free to take your pick: Using SSH (notice that the port needs to be 2222): For VirtualBox: ssh -p 2222 root@localhost For VMWare: ssh -p 2222 root@<the-ip-of-your-vm> Using the browser: with the sandbox running, open a browser to http://localhost:4200 You'll know you are successfully SSH'd into the sandbox when the prompt you see is "[root@sandbox /]#" (notice there is no "-host"). Hope that helps! Let us know how it goes! 🙂
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06:10 PM
@Andres Urrego Glad you got it working! As you already linked below, here are a couple of good tutorials to get you started: and Also, check out the splash page on the sandbox by navigating to http://localhost:8888 in your browser. If your goal is to play with Apache Spark, check out the Spark tutorials on this page: Good luck!
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03:56 AM
1 Kudo
@Andreas Danckert @Aziz Herch @Marco Almeida Yup - this issue was triggered by a Docker change. Please use this updated start script for deploying the HDP 2.6.3 sandbox: Note: Please only use this script for the HDP 2.6.3 sandbox. If you find yourself reading this thread in the future, a new process is in place and this script is likely much more simplified/streamlined in the future - so the link above will be obsolete.
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