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1978 | 03-22-2018 11:48 AM | |
3178 | 01-12-2018 06:25 PM | |
5628 | 01-12-2018 03:56 AM | |
7698 | 01-12-2018 03:38 AM | |
4010 | 01-02-2018 10:29 PM |
03:04 AM
Hello all Please reply to this ASAP I am trying to install vm on my pc but my screen is sticking at the same point That Extracting and loading the hortonworks sandbox I have assigned 8 gb of ram n my laptop configuration is 8gb also and i5 n 7th gen
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10:04 AM
username: root Password: hadoop
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11:37 AM
I want to create three custom nifi processors say B,C,D where the common functionality is extracted to an abstract class say A which extends nifi's abstract processor and B,C,D all child of A. What is the recommended way of doing that?
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03:31 PM
Nice thanks, I figured there had to be a way to tell it that it was a solo node but I just wasn't phrasing it right for google apparently. Though the problem ended up being solved with a simple delete/reinstall.
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10:49 PM
This is what I try to do , I have a deduplication appliance on the subnet This appliance cannot talk directly to which is a huge problem, means I could not test the backup. If this is pure vmware environment it would be easy, all I have to do is add an interface and configure that interface to use same subnet as But with the docker thing, which I am fairly new, I am not sure how to proceed from there . this is the crux of my problem.
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12:13 PM
Hi @Sandeep Ranjan, did you ever get this resolved? If it still isn't going through, we can get you a sandbox through other means if you're still running into issues.
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12:38 AM
@Jay Kumar SenSharma The problem was the cache. Thank you so much for the help!
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06:53 PM
@Andres Urrego Regarding the VM failing, is it the services shutting down on their own and not staying up? One common cause of this is not enough memory - to reduce resource usage try turning off all services and starting only HDFS, Zookeeper, YARN and Spark. Also make sure that you give your VM at least 8GB of RAM ( shows how). As far as documentation for Spark2/HDFS, here is a good Spark2 starter tutorial followed by a Spark2/HDFS project walkthrough.
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09:17 PM
@Matt, Hope you were successful in copying your files to HDFS. For any other "Getting Started Questions" you might have please check out the Learning the Ropes Hortonworks Tutorial.
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12:27 PM
I'm facing the same issue: HDP 2.6.3 sandbox doesn't start on Ubuntu 16.04.03 LTS running Docker CE 17.12. The updated start script referenced by @Edgar Orendain still hangs while starting Ambari services. This is the line, within the script, having the issue: docker exec -t sandbox-hdp /bin/sh -c 'until /usr/bin/curl --silent --user raj_ops:raj_ops -H "X-Requested-By: ambari" "http://localhost:8080/api/v1/clusters/Sandbox/requests?to=end&page_size=10&fields=Requests" | tail -n 27 | grep COMPLETED | grep COMPLETED > /dev/null; do echo -n .; sleep 1; done;' Any suggestion? Regards, @Julián Rodríguez
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