Im tying to register my edge node through ambari-agent but that fails cause:
WARNING - Could not connect to wss://*******:8441/agent/stomp/v1. [Errno 111] Connection refused
I tested wscat command and seems good:
> [root@****** log]# wscat -nc wss://*********:8441/agent/stomp/v1
Connected (press CTRL+C to quit)
Please find log below:
Sep 29 16:44:11 ***** journal: ambari_agent - NetUtil.py - [28672] - ambari_agent.NetUtil - INFO - Connecting to https://*********:8440/connection_info
Sep 29 16:44:11 indkuds07 journal: ambari_agent - security.py - [28672] - ambari_agent.security - INFO - Connecting to wss://********:8441/agent/stomp/v1
Sep 29 16:44:11 ***** journal: ambari_agent - security.py - [28672] - ambari_agent.security - INFO - two ssl disbaled, establishing connection
Sep 29 16:44:11 ****** journal: ambari_agent - security.py - [28672] - ambari_agent.security - INFO - variable conn assigned
Sep 29 16:44:11 ******* journal: ambari_agent - security.py - [28672] - ambari_agent.security - INFO - starting connection
Sep 29 16:44:11 ****** journal: ambari_agent - security.py - [28672] - ambari_agent.security - INFO - (<class 'socket.error'>, error(111, 'Connection refused'), <traceback object at 0x7f0a208597a0>)
Sep 29 16:44:11 ****** journal: ambari_agent - security.py - [28672] - ambari_agent.security - INFO - disconnection in progress
Sep 29 16:44:11 ****** journal: ambari_agent - security.py - [28672] - ambari_agent.security - INFO - disconnection complete
Sep 29 16:44:11 ****** journal: ambari_agent - security.py - [28672] - ambari_agent.security - WARNING - Could not connect to wss://*******:8441/agent/stomp/v1. [Errno 111] Connection refused
Sep 29 16:44:11 ****** journal: ambari_agent - HeartbeatThread.py - [28672] - ambari_agent.HeartbeatThread - INFO - Connection error "[Errno 111] Connection refused". Re-running the registration
thanks a lot for help,