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Apache NiFi : How to change JSON data with both Object and Array to Object at once. (Use jolt)

New Contributor

I want to convert json data with both Object and Array into Object at once.

I used jolt, but I didn't reach the desired result.

The json data is as follows.

Input Data:

  "response": {
    "header": {
      "resultCode": "00",
      "resultMsg": "NORMAL_SERVICE"
    "body": {
      "dataType": "XML",
      "items": {
        "item": {
          "icaoCode": null,
          "airportName": null,
          "metarMsg": {
            "METAR": {
              "automatedStation": false,
              "id": "metar-RKSS-20240404000000Z",
              "permissibleUsage": "OPERATIONAL",
              "status": "NORMAL",
              "schemaLocation": "link data link data link data link data link data",
              "extension": {
                "msgText": "METAR RKSS 040000Z 09007KT 030V120 9999 SCT035 BKN150 15/05
\n          Q1015 NOSIG="
              "observation": {
                "OM_Observation": {
                  "id": "obs-RKSS-20240404000000Z",
                  "type": {
                    "href": "link data"
                  "phenomenonTime": {
                    "TimeInstant": {
                      "id": "ti-20240404000000Z",
                      "timePosition": "2024-04-04T00:00:00Z"
                  "resultTime": {
                    "href": "#ti-20240404000000Z"
                  "procedure": {
                    "Process": {
                      "id": "p-49-2-metar",
                      "description": "WMO No. 49 Volume 2 Meteorological Service for International Air Navigation APPENDIX 3 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS RELATED TO METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS AND REPORTS"
                  "observedProperty": {
                    "href": "link data"
                  "featureOfInterest": {
                    "SF_SpatialSamplingFeature": {
                      "id": "sp-RKSS",
                      "type": {
                        "href": "link data"
                      "sampledFeature": {
                        "AirportHeliport": {
                          "id": "aerodrome-RKSS",
                          "timeSlice": {
                            "AirportHeliportTimeSlice": {
                              "id": "aerodrome-RKSS-ts",
                              "validTime": null,
                              "interpretation": "BASELINE",
                              "designator": "RKSS",
                              "name": "GIMPO INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT",
                              "locationIndicatorICAO": "RKSS"
                      "shape": {
                        "Point": {
                          "axisLabels": "Latitude Longitude Altitude",
                          "id": "obs-point-RKSS",
                          "srsName": "link data",
                          "uomLabels": "deg deg m",
                          "pos": "37.33 126.48 18.0"
                  "result": {
                    "MeteorologicalAerodromeObservationRecord": {
                      "cloudAndVisibilityOK": false,
                      "id": "observation-record-RKSS-20240404000000Z",
                      "airTemperature": {
                        "uom": "Cel",
                        "$": 15
                      "dewpointTemperature": {
                        "uom": "Cel",
                        "$": 5
                      "qnh": {
                        "uom": "hPa",
                        "$": 1015
                      "surfaceWind": {
                        "AerodromeSurfaceWind": {
                          "variableWindDirection": false,
                          "meanWindDirection": {
                            "uom": "deg",
                            "$": 90
                          "meanWindSpeed": {
                            "uom": "[kn_i]",
                            "$": "007"
                          "extremeClockwiseWindDirection": {
                            "uom": "deg",
                            "$": 120
                          "extremeCounterClockwiseWindDirection": {
                            "uom": "deg",
                            "$": "030"
                      "visibility": {
                        "AerodromeHorizontalVisibility": {
                          "prevailingVisibility": {
                            "uom": "m",
                            "$": 10000
                      "cloud": {
                        "AerodromeObservedClouds": {
                          "layer": [
                              "CloudLayer": {
                                "amount": {
                                  "href": "link data"
                                "base": {
                                  "uom": "[ft_i]",
                                  "$": 3500
                                "cloudType": {
                                  "href": "link data",
                                  "title": "Stratocumulus"
                              "CloudLayer": {
                                "amount": {
                                  "href": "link data"
                                "base": {
                                  "uom": "[ft_i]",
                                  "$": 15000
                                "cloudType": {
                                  "href": "link data",
                                  "title": "Altocumulus"
              "trendForecast": {
                "OM_Observation": {
                  "id": "trend-fcst-1",
                  "type": {
                    "href": "link data"
                  "phenomenonTime": {
                    "href": "#ti-20240404000000Z"
                  "resultTime": {
                    "href": "#ti-20240404000000Z"
                  "procedure": {
                    "href": "#p-49-2-metar"
                  "observedProperty": {
                    "href": "link data"
                  "featureOfInterest": {
                    "href": "#sp-RKSS"
                  "result": {
                    "MeteorologicalAerodromeTrendForecastRecord": {
                      "changeIndicator": "NO_SIGNIFICANT_CHANGES",
                      "cloudAndVisibilityOK": false,
                      "id": "trend-fcst-record-1-20240404000000Z"
      "numOfRows": 10000,
      "pageNo": 1,
      "totalCount": 1


Jolt Spec:


    "operation": "shift",
    "spec": {
      "response": {
        "body": {
          "items": {
            "item": {
              "*": {
                "*": {
                  "extension": {
                    "msgText": "msgText"
                  "observation": {
                    "OM_Observation": {
                      "phenomenonTime": {
                        "TimeInstant": {
                          "timePosition": "phenomenonTime"
                      "featureOfInterest": {
                        "SF_SpatialSamplingFeature": {
                          "sampledFeature": {
                            "AirportHeliport": {
                              "timeSlice": {
                                "AirportHeliportTimeSlice": {
                                  "name": "featureOfInterest"
                          "shape": {
                            "Point": {
                              "pos": "shape"
                      "result": {
                        "MeteorologicalAerodromeObservationRecord": {
                          "airTemperature": {
                            "\\$": "airTemperature"
                          "dewpointTemperature": {
                            "\\$": "dewpointTemperature"
                          "qnh": {
                            "\\$": "qnh"
                          "surfaceWind": {
                            "AerodromeSurfaceWind": {
                              "meanWindDirection": {
                                "\\$": "meanWindDirection"
                              "meanWindSpeed": {
                                "\\$": "meanWindSpeed"
                              "windGustSpeed": {
                                "\\$": "windGustSpeed"
                              "extremeClockwiseWindDirection": {
                                "\\$": "extremeClockwiseWindDirection"
                              "extremeCounterClockwiseWindDirection": {
                                "\\$": "extremeCounterClockwiseWindDirection"
                          "visibility": {
                            "AerodromeHorizontalVisibility": {
                              "prevailingVisibility": {
                                "\\$": "AerodromeHorizontalVisibility"
                          "presentWeather": {
                            "href": "presentWeather"
                          "cloud": {
                            "AerodromeObservedClouds": {
                              "layer": {
                                "*": {
                                  "CloudLayer": {
                                    "amount": {
                                      "href": "cloud_amount"
                                    "base": {
                                      "\\$": "cloud_base"
                                    "cloudType": {
                                      "href": "cloudType_href",
                                      "title": "cloudType"
    "operation": "shift",
    "spec": {
      "msgText": "&",
      "phenomenonTime": "&",
      "featureOfInterest": "&",
      "shape": "&",
      "airTemperature": "&",
      "dewpointTemperature": "&",
      "qnh": "&",
      "meanWindDirection": "&",
      "meanWindSpeed": "&",
      "windGustSpeed": "&",
      "extremeClockwiseWindDirection": "&",
      "extremeCounterClockwiseWindDirection": "&",
      "AerodromeHorizontalVisibility": "&",
      "cloud_amount": "&",
      "cloud_base": "&",
      "cloudType_href": "&",
      "cloudType": "&",
      "presentWeather": "&"
    "operation": "modify-overwrite-beta",
    "spec": {
      "airTemperature": "=toString",
      "dewpointTemperature": "=toString",
      "qnh": "=toString",
      "meanWindDirection": "=toString",
      "meanWindSpeed": "=toString",
      "extremeClockwiseWindDirection": "=toString",
      "extremeCounterClockwiseWindDirection": "=toString",
      "AerodromeHorizontalVisibility": "=toString",
      "cloud_amount": "=toString",
      "cloud_base": "=toString",
      "cloudType_href": "=toString",
      "cloudType": "=toString"


OutPut Data:

  "msgText" : "METAR RKSS 040000Z 09007KT 030V120 9999 SCT035 BKN150 15/05
\n          Q1015 NOSIG=",
  "phenomenonTime" : "2024-04-04T00:00:00Z",
  "featureOfInterest" : "GIMPO INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT",
  "shape" : "37.33 126.48 18.0",
  "airTemperature" : "15",
  "dewpointTemperature" : "5",
  "qnh" : "1015",
  "meanWindDirection" : "90",
  "meanWindSpeed" : "007",
  "extremeClockwiseWindDirection" : "120",
  "extremeCounterClockwiseWindDirection" : "030",
  "AerodromeHorizontalVisibility" : "10000",
  "cloud_amount" : [ "link data", "link data" ],
  "cloud_base" : [ "3500", "15000" ],
  "cloudType_href" : [ "link data", "link data" ],
  "cloudType" : [ "Stratocumulus", "Altocumulus" ]


Expected data: 

  "msgText" : "METAR RKSS 040000Z 09007KT 030V120 9999 SCT035 BKN150 15/05
\n          Q1015 NOSIG=",
  "phenomenonTime" : "2024-04-04T00:00:00Z",
  "featureOfInterest" : "GIMPO INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT",
  "shape" : "37.33 126.48 18.0",
  "airTemperature" : "15",
  "dewpointTemperature" : "5",
  "qnh" : "1015",
  "meanWindDirection" : "90",
  "meanWindSpeed" : "007",
  "extremeClockwiseWindDirection" : "120",
  "extremeCounterClockwiseWindDirection" : "030",
  "AerodromeHorizontalVisibility" : "10000",
  "cloud_amount0" : "link data",
  "cloud_amount1" : "link data"
  "cloud_base0" : "3500",
  "cloud_base1" : "15000",
  "cloudType_href0" : "link data",
  "cloudType_href1" : "link data",
  "cloudType0" : "Stratocumulus",
  "cloudType1" : "Altocumulus"


As above, could you please advise a jolt script in which the data I expect is output?



Expert Contributor

Hi @Nicanor ,

Let's take a below example:

Json Input:


    "cloud_base": [
    "cloudType": [



 Jolt Spec:


    "operation": "shift",
    "spec": {
      "*": {
        "cloud_base": {
          "*": {
            "*": {
              "@1": "cloud_base_&"
        "cloudType": {
          "*": {
            "*": {
              "@1": "cloudType_&"





  "cloud_base_3500" : "3500",
  "cloud_base_15000" : "15000",
  "cloudType_Stratocumulus" : "Stratocumulus",
  "cloudType_Altocumulus" : "Altocumulus"



"Accept as Solution" if its work for you.

Shakib M.

View solution in original post


Community Manager

Hi @Nicanor, Welcome to our community! To help you get the best possible answer, I have tagged in our NiFi experts @MattWho @SAMSAL  who may be able to assist you further.

Please feel free to provide any additional information or details about your query, and we hope that you will find a satisfactory solution to your question.


Vidya Sargur,
Community Manager

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Expert Contributor

Hi @Nicanor,

you can bring another JoltTransformJSON processor and write down the below JOLT spec to extract the element of list.



    "operation": "shift",
    "spec": {
      "msgText": "&",
      "phenomenonTime": "phenomenonTime",
      "cloud_base": "cloud_base_List",
      "cloud_amount": "cloud_amount_List"
  // Extracting Values from the List 
    "operation": "modify-overwrite-beta",
    "spec": {
      // Extract the last element from each list
      "cloud_base1": "=lastElement(@(1,cloud_base_List))",
      "cloud_base2": "=firstElement(@(1,cloud_base_List))"


JOLT Output


  "msgText" : "METAR RKSS 040000Z 09007KT 030V120 9999 SCT035 BKN150 15/05
\n          Q1015 NOSIG=",
  "phenomenonTime" : "2024-04-04T00:00:00Z",
  "cloud_base_List" : [ 3500, 15000 ],
  "cloud_amount_List" : [ "link data", "link data" ],
  "cloud_base1" : 15000,
  "cloud_base2" : 3500



One more suggestion, please remove the unrequired line of code. you can typecast the data type by using UpdateRecord processor.  Because JOLT transformation may consume large amounts of memory.


    "operation": "shift",
    "spec": {
      "response": {
        "body": {
          "items": {
            "item": {
              "*": {
                "*": {
                  "extension": {
                    "msgText": "msgText"
                  "observation": {
                    "OM_Observation": {
                      "phenomenonTime": {
                        "TimeInstant": {
                          "timePosition": "phenomenonTime"
                      "featureOfInterest": {
                        "SF_SpatialSamplingFeature": {
                          "sampledFeature": {
                            "AirportHeliport": {
                              "timeSlice": {
                                "AirportHeliportTimeSlice": {
                                  "name": "featureOfInterest"
                          "shape": {
                            "Point": {
                              "pos": "shape"
                      "result": {
                        "MeteorologicalAerodromeObservationRecord": {
                          "airTemperature": {
                            "\\$": "airTemperature"
                          "dewpointTemperature": {
                            "\\$": "dewpointTemperature"
                          "qnh": {
                            "\\$": "qnh"
                          "surfaceWind": {
                            "AerodromeSurfaceWind": {
                              "meanWindDirection": {
                                "\\$": "meanWindDirection"
                              "meanWindSpeed": {
                                "\\$": "meanWindSpeed"
                              "windGustSpeed": {
                                "\\$": "windGustSpeed"
                              "extremeClockwiseWindDirection": {
                                "\\$": "extremeClockwiseWindDirection"
                              "extremeCounterClockwiseWindDirection": {
                                "\\$": "extremeCounterClockwiseWindDirection"
                          "visibility": {
                            "AerodromeHorizontalVisibility": {
                              "prevailingVisibility": {
                                "\\$": "AerodromeHorizontalVisibility"
                          "presentWeather": {
                            "href": "presentWeather"
                          "cloud": {
                            "AerodromeObservedClouds": {
                              "layer": {
                                "*": {
                                  "CloudLayer": {
                                    "amount": {
                                      "href": "cloud_amount"
                                    "base": {
                                      "\\$": "cloud_base"
                                    "cloudType": {
                                      "href": "cloudType_href",
                                      "title": "cloudType"


"Accept as Solution" if its work for you.


Shakib M.

New Contributor

Thank you for your solution.
It was a lot of inspiration for me.

Therefore, I would like to ask you another question.



Expected data: 

  "cloud_amount0" : "link data0",
  "cloud_amount1" : "link data1",
"cloud_amount2" : "link data2",
"cloud_amount3" : "link data3", }

Is there a jolt whose key name is dynamically increasing like 'cloud_mount'?

Expert Contributor

@Nicanor ,

Could you please provide the JSON input also?

Shakib M.

Expert Contributor

Hi @Nicanor ,

Let's take a below example:

Json Input:


    "cloud_base": [
    "cloudType": [



 Jolt Spec:


    "operation": "shift",
    "spec": {
      "*": {
        "cloud_base": {
          "*": {
            "*": {
              "@1": "cloud_base_&"
        "cloudType": {
          "*": {
            "*": {
              "@1": "cloudType_&"





  "cloud_base_3500" : "3500",
  "cloud_base_15000" : "15000",
  "cloudType_Stratocumulus" : "Stratocumulus",
  "cloudType_Altocumulus" : "Altocumulus"



"Accept as Solution" if its work for you.

Shakib M.