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Apache Nifi connect to Siemens Logo using Plc4xSourceProcessor 0.12.0

New Contributor

Hello together,

i am new to Apache Nifi and i try to connect to a Siemens Logo.

I have added the plc4x processors and added the connection string to the processor : Plc4xListenRecordProcessor 0.12.0

Connection string: s7://<myip>:102?localTSAP=0x1000&remoteTSAP=0x2000

i have these datapoints:

"word1410": "%DB1.DBW1410:INT",
"word1406": "%DB1.DBW1406:INT",
"word1412": "%DB1.DBW1412:INT",
"word1408": "%DB1.DBW1408:INT",
"bit10_0": "%DB1.DBX10.0:BOOL"


My question is how to add the datapoints?


When i connect to the plc using node red everything works fine. So i dont believe that i have a configuration issue on the plc.

When i run the flow everything looks to be fine but no data are comming.

Can anyone give me advice how to configure the flow correctly?






Community Manager

@David26, Welcome to our community! To help you get the best possible answer, I have tagged in our NiFi experts @Shelton @SAMSAL @MattWho  who may be able to assist you further.

Please feel free to provide any additional information or details about your query, and we hope that you will find a satisfactory solution to your question.


Vidya Sargur,
Community Manager

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Master Mentor


I am not familiar with this specific processor "Plc4xListenRecordProcessor 0.12.0".  
I could not find it in Apache NiFi 1.x or 2.x versions.  I could find it in Maven Central either. 

Where did you download this nar that you added to your NiFi?
What version of Apache NiFi are you using?

You may need to reach out to the originator of this custom nar you have added to you NiFi for this processor specific query.

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