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Apache Nifi -> deploy a flow from dev to prod having different configurations.

New Contributor


I am trying to understand what is the optimal development lifecycle of Apache Nifi flows that should be ported from dev to qa to prod.

I read some articles such as  and I usually use export/import template in my flows but it's having some big drawback than I am not sure how they can be overcomed.

In particular the issue is that the template/flow definition contains inside "code" and "logic" information together with "environment configurations" that shouldn't be exported and imported. 

With that I mean information such as number of threads per processor that should not be exported because obviously usualy prod environments have more resources so can support more threads and cron configurations that obviously can change between a dev/qa and prod environment.

It seems like Apache Nifi was not designed well following the 12 factor principles as obviously  it actually stores some configurations that should be outside the flow/template inside it.

Can somebody please help me clear this point and explain if I am misuderstanding the tool?

Thanks in advance!