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Atlas no record found

Rising Star

Hi all,


Recently I am practicing Apache Atlas and my cluster enabled Kerberos.


After I created a Hive table using hive service principle, I use an AD account to access Atlas console. However, when I search for hive process, no record appears.


I have checked the integration between Hive and Atlas in Hive configuration.



Do I need to create a ranger policy and grant read permission to the AD user? If yes, please kindly suggest how to set the ranger policy.


Thank you in advance. Looking forward to hearing from all of you.



Master Collaborator

@BrianChan Does the AD user have permissions to view the Hive table? This privilege need to be set under Hadoop SQL policies in Ranger. If this is already done, you also need to set required atlas policies. 

Refer to

Make sure that the entiity-type is set correctly.