Created 05-08-2023 04:26 AM
Dear Team,
I am trying to create ADF Linked service to CDP Hive server. CDP kerberized and ssl enabled cluster.
Cloud you share the configurations like below:
"name": "HiveLinkedService",
"properties": {
"type": "Hive",
"typeProperties": {
"serverType": "HiveServer2",
"thriftTransportProtocol": "SASL",
"serviceDiscoveryMode": true,
"authenticationType": "UsernameAndPassword",
"httpPath": "jdbc:hive2://******;principal=hive/_HOST@******;serviceDiscoveryMode=zooKeeper;ssl=true;zooKeeperNamespace=hiveserver2",
"host" : "******",
"port" : "10000",
"allowSelfSignedServerCert" : true,
"allowHostNameCNMismatch": true,
"enableSsl": true,
"useSystemTrustStore": true,
"trustedCertPath": ".cer path file",
"zooKeeperNameSpace": "hiveserver2",
"username" : "******",
"password": {
"type": "SecureString",
"value": "******"
Created 05-08-2023 07:24 AM
You should be able to find the required hive values in hive-site.xml file. You can get this file from Cloudera Manager. Additionally, use Cloudera Manager to download hive drivers and get the fully qualified jdbc url.
Created 05-08-2023 07:24 AM
You should be able to find the required hive values in hive-site.xml file. You can get this file from Cloudera Manager. Additionally, use Cloudera Manager to download hive drivers and get the fully qualified jdbc url.
Created 05-18-2023 05:33 AM
I mentioned same jdbc url which i copied from hive-site configuration file only. If you have any configuration file or workaround please let me know.
Created 05-18-2023 05:26 AM
I tested all the scenario's and its now working. Suggest workable solutions ?
Created 08-24-2023 06:17 AM
I'm facing the same issue with the ADF Hive connector. It would be great if you could provide your configuration details.