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Basic Sandbox Config: Tunneling via Chrome on Windows to Azure

New Contributor

The "Deploying Hortonworks Sandbox on Microsoft Azure" tutorial is great, but it assumes that your local client is a Linux machine. That's where this process has broken down for me. I need the Windows equivalent of editing the ~/.ssh/config file, or something that achieves the same goal.

I am running Windows 7 with a Chrome browser. What I have achieved so far: my Azure account is configured, Hortonworks Sandbox is configured, and the instance is starting via the Azure dashboard without issue. Now I need to be able to tunnel into the instance using putty so I can actually bring up the Ambari console via the browser.

I need 5-year-old idiot step-by-step instructions on how to do this. Do not assume I know more than how to turn on the machine. I have tried about everything I can find out on the interwebs, and each one has flaws in the process that cause it to break down somehow. Please take pity on me, and thanks in advance.



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@Timothy Currell

I added a new section to the "Deploying Hortonworks Sandbox on Microsoft Azure" tutorial titled "Using PuTTY". Here's a direct link to that section on GitHub

I'm happy to make more additions to it, or elaborate/clarify wherever necessary. If you think this is clear, I'll make the change to the official Hortonworks tutorial as well.

New Contributor

@Edgar Orendain

Wonderful, and successful! The problem I had was the differentiation between "Local" and "Dynamic" port tunneling, with the Dynamic causing all measures of hell with web connections and the like.

I can't think of anything in your instructions that needs clarification, I was able to follow the instructions without issue and I am now looking at my Ambari Sandbox console.

Thank you VERY MUCH, sir! Have a great night, and I hope this ends up helping other users get up and running faster.

- Tim C.