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Beeline -f command failed - No such file or directory

New Contributor

We have a hql file on HDFS Location.

And we want to run a beeline command which would run a hql file.

Below is our beeline -f command -

beeline -u "jdbc:hive2://<server>/;principal=hive/<Principle Value>" -f "hdfs://<Service Account>/EA/shared/bmt/scripts/hql/insert_ud_privacy_exclusion_bmt_wrk1.hql"

Error -

hdfs:/<Service Account>/EA/shared/bmt/scripts/hql/insert_ud_privacy_exclusion_bmt_wrk1.hql (No such file or directory)

Why beeline does not recognize hql file which is there on HDFS?

Is it that hql file needs to be on local UNIX box for beeline to run the file?



@Bhushan Rokade Yes beeline expects the HQL file to be local file system.