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CCA 175 Certification - Study Material

New Contributor



I want to take up new CCA175 certification sometime in January. Can someone provide details on Study materials i can refer to prepare for this exam. Since this certification is pretty new, I don't see much references on google.


Master Collaborator
Our Cloudera Developer Training for Spark and Hadoop  teaches you everything you need to know for the exam and gives you days worth of hands-on practice. We both train and test the same objectives (although we train on more of course) If you do not wish to take our training or cannot afford it, there are hundreds of free resources on the internet.

For example, if I point my browser to the List of objectives from our website. I then copy the first objective and search on it, I get dozens of free docs and training on the skill.

• Import data from a MySQL database into HDFS using Sqoop
• s qoop.apache.orgdocs on importing data using Sqoop • Importing Data into HDFS using Sqoop
• Video demonstration of user importing data from MySQL to HDFS using Sqoop

And there are dozens more. As the exam page also tells you that you have access to some of these during the exam, I suggest becoming intimate with the those.

If you take some time to search each objective and learn the skill, the exam will be easy. If you don’t want to take the time to learn on your own, and you’re not learning on your job, then training is your answer. This is always true, of all technical skills, not just this one exam. And part of the learning is figuring out which free resources are the best if that’s the route you choose to go, or which paid ones are.

As for the style of question, it’s quite straightforward: for the above objective, you’ll be given the location of a MySQL database on one of the nodes and you’ll be required to use Sqoop to import a portion or all of that data from the MySQL instance we give to the instance of HDFS we give you. It's really that straightforward if you take the time to learn the skills.

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Super Collaborator

The CCA-175 exam is a hands-on, scenario-driven test.  You will be asked to solve problems.  The grading will be based on the solutions that you provide.  We do not evaluate the tools or the code that you used to solve the problems.


Can you use Pig?  Absolutely.  It may be possible to solve every one of the problems on the exam using just Pig if you are an expert.  It may not be practical, however.  There may be better tools for interacting with the Hive metastore to do DDL, such as Impala, Hive, HUE, HCatalog, etc. Similarly, the coding questions will give you Spark templates to add code to.  You may not have enough time in the exam to code everything from scratch in Pig.  Pig is not listed in the Required Skills, because there will not be a specific question where you are required to use Pig on the exam.


The Required Skills section contains this line:

  • Use Data Definition Language (DDL) to create tables in the Hive metastore for use by Hive and Impala.


There is no contradiction.  This is a "problem solving exam" as opposed to a "tools exam".  You will need to be able to use Hadoop tools to generate solutions, but the tool that you use is up to you.

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New Contributor


I am also searching for some guidence and material to write at end of january. Please let me know if you have any updates. 



New Contributor

Hi, Were you guys able to find any study meterial for this exam? 


Any update on this?

Super Collaborator

The site for the exam is here:


It is a hand-on exam, so there is not a book that is going to give you all of the answers.  The course Cloudera Developer Training covers the topics as well as giving you hands-on exercises to practice.


where we can find, study material? LIke what needs to studied by us? and what kind of questions etc? 

New Contributor

@juddimal wrote:

The site for the exam is here:


It is a hand-on exam, so there is not a book that is going to give you all of the answers.  The course Cloudera Developer Training covers the topics as well as giving you hands-on exercises to practice.

That sounds like we can not be confident unless we sign up for Cloudera's training. I welcome the performance based skill testing method but Cloudera should not force us to signup for their training by not spill the beans.


I also need to know if we require to code in Scala AND pyhon for all the problems. 

Master Collaborator
Our Cloudera Developer Training for Spark and Hadoop  teaches you everything you need to know for the exam and gives you days worth of hands-on practice. We both train and test the same objectives (although we train on more of course) If you do not wish to take our training or cannot afford it, there are hundreds of free resources on the internet.

For example, if I point my browser to the List of objectives from our website. I then copy the first objective and search on it, I get dozens of free docs and training on the skill.

• Import data from a MySQL database into HDFS using Sqoop
• s qoop.apache.orgdocs on importing data using Sqoop • Importing Data into HDFS using Sqoop
• Video demonstration of user importing data from MySQL to HDFS using Sqoop

And there are dozens more. As the exam page also tells you that you have access to some of these during the exam, I suggest becoming intimate with the those.

If you take some time to search each objective and learn the skill, the exam will be easy. If you don’t want to take the time to learn on your own, and you’re not learning on your job, then training is your answer. This is always true, of all technical skills, not just this one exam. And part of the learning is figuring out which free resources are the best if that’s the route you choose to go, or which paid ones are.

As for the style of question, it’s quite straightforward: for the above objective, you’ll be given the location of a MySQL database on one of the nodes and you’ll be required to use Sqoop to import a portion or all of that data from the MySQL instance we give to the instance of HDFS we give you. It's really that straightforward if you take the time to learn the skills.

New Contributor

Thanks for reply Brad, good to hear from Cloudera folks.


Like you pointed out importing data from MySQL sounded really simple to me and thats what made me wonded "what else is in there ?"


I'm a self learner, relying on Coursera(for Scala, Python), Edx(Spark) and Cloudera VM. By chance will there be some sample excercie on Clouder VM in future release, it will help developer community a lot since all of us don't get an opportunity to work on all of the exam objectives at work/school.


And about my other question, do I need to write program in Scala and Python ? I'm good @Python and just getting started with Scala.

Master Collaborator
yes, Scala and Python.