Created 04-12-2021 11:31 AM
We are currently in the process of upgrading our cluster from CDH 5.14 to 6.3.4.
We are assessing how this task could be done without causing downtime on the cluster.
We have already performed the steps on the "Full Cluster Restart" approach which lead to downtime while the CDH components were stopped and in the queue to be upgraded.
We were wondering if by applying the "Manual Upgrade" approach this downtime could be avoided, but had some doubts, as the documentation is not very clear on how to perform the steps manually and seems to point to the "Manual Upgrade" as a way to revert a failed upgrade.
The main issue was that from the order the steps are laid out it assumes the services are currently down, which is not the case if we are starting the upgrade process from scratch.
We are running Kafka, Zookeeper, Flume Forwarder, Flume Avro, HDFS and Sentry.
Can anyone that has done the Manual Upgrade provide some guidelines and advice on how to proceed?
Thank you in advance!
Best Regards,
Created 04-18-2021 11:51 PM
Yes, Can you upgrade the CDH 5.14 to 6.3.x
The below document should be helpful for you to upgrade.
But i would highly recommend you to connect with the Cloudera professional team for assistance on the production upgrades.
Created 04-19-2021 03:37 AM
Hello Atahar,
We do know, that we can upgrade from 5.14 to 6.3.4 as we already did it before.
We were looking for guidance on how to perform the upgrade using the "Manual Upgrade" approach, to minimize or even avoid having a downtime period.
Best Regards,