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CDP changing NameNode and role


Hello Team, 

I am new to CDP. I need to change the NameNode to a different host and also need to change the Balancer to a different host and CREATE a journal node and change  role of various other hosts.  I created "HOST TEMPLATES" in accordance to my requirement and "STOPPED THE ROLES". Now, while i am trying to import the "Host Template", I get the below error. Any help is appreciated.


"The maximum number of instances (1) of role type JOBHISTORY has been reached."


The JOBJHISTORY refers to the Yarn JOBHISTORY. This was hosted on another node. But I have stopped the roles on that host. Yet I receive the same error. 



Expert Contributor

Hi , What I understood is you want to move the NameNode role to another host in the cluster. If my understanding is correct , then please follow the below document which shares insight on the same.


The process should be same across CDP and CDH as we are using CM to migrate the roles. 


I also need to change the Balancer to a different host and CREATE a journal node and change  role of various other hosts. How can that be done?


Master Collaborator

Hello CDPTester,


Welcome to CDP :). 


Could you please update us this is the Data lake or the Datahub? In legacy CDH we were having Administrator access on CM through which we were able to move the roles.


But in CDP we have removed the full admin access for users. You can create your own custom template for Data hubs as per the requirement. 


Also, We have resize option through which you can the required nodes to the cluster.


Let us know if you have any further queries.

Master Collaborator

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