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Can't access directory from HDFS inside a Python script

New Contributor

Hello guys,


I hope that I post in the right section.


I have to following python script(I managed to run it locally):



#!/usr/bin/env python3

import folderstats

df = folderstats.folderstats('hdfs://quickstart.cloudera.8020/user/cloudera/files', hash_name='md5', ignore_hidden=True)

df.to_csv(r'hdfs://quickstart.cloudera.8020/user/cloudera/files.csv', sep=',', index=True)



I have the directory: "files" in that location. I checked this through the command line and even with HUE, and it's there.


(myproject) [cloudera@quickstart ~]$ hadoop fs -ls /user/cloudera
Found 1 items
drwxrwxrwx   - cloudera cloudera          0 2019-06-01 13:30 /user/cloudera/files

The problem is that the directory can't be accessed.

:I tried to run it normally: python3 and even with super-user like: sudo -u hdfs python3 and the out says:



Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 5, in <module>
    df = folderstats.folderstats('hdfs://quickstart.cloudera:8020/user/cloudera/files', hash_name='md5', ignore_hidden=True)
  File "/home/cloudera/miniconda3/envs/myproject/lib/python3.7/site-packages/folderstats/", line 88, in folderstats
  File "/home/cloudera/miniconda3/envs/myproject/lib/python3.7/site-packages/folderstats/", line 32, in _recursive_folderstats
    for f in os.listdir(folderpath):
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'hdfs://quickstart.cloudera:8020/user/cloudera/files'

"No such file or directory: 'hdfs://quickstart.cloudera:8020/user/cloudera/files'"


Can you, please, help me to clarify this issue?


Thank you!





New Contributor

It looks like you are pointing to the HDFS ../cloudera/files folder when you declare df.

However, when you try to convert df to a csv, you are pointing to ../cloudera/files.csv, not the "files" folder.


Maybe this is causing the issue?

EDIT: I accidently pressed the "Me Too" button. How do I uncheck it?

New Contributor
That is the location where I want the csv File to be generated.
It doesn’t even get to that line.
The script can not Access the directory located in hdfs://quickstart.cloudera:8020/user/cloudera/files


Hi @VladTheLad ,


I have done some research and I am wondering if the issue is caused by the Python module you are using may not work well with HDFS directory.

I found a couple of resources which I think could help in this situation:



Thanks and hope above may help.


Li Wang, Technical Solution Manager

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New Contributor

Hello @lwang 


Thank you for your reply!


I already tried these options.


The first one using subprocesses and trying to run some hdfs commands could be an option but I am not very familiar with how to obtain the metadata I need: file_extension, creation_time, etc.


The second link is more about how to read/write a specific file, for example, .txt files.


I basically want to access a location(directory) in HDFS, iterate over all files inside and extract metadata about the files.


If I find a working solution I can forget about that "folderstats" module and do it in another way.


Hi @VladTheLad ,


You probably can explore different options of ls command from hdfs:

# hdfs dfs -help ls
-ls [-C] [-d] [-h] [-q] [-R] [-t] [-S] [-r] [-u] [-e] [<path> ...] :
  List the contents that match the specified file pattern. If path is not
  specified, the contents of /user/<currentUser> will be listed. For a directory a
  list of its direct children is returned (unless -d option is specified).

  Directory entries are of the form:
  	permissions - userId groupId sizeOfDirectory(in bytes)
  modificationDate(yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm) directoryName

  and file entries are of the form:
  	permissions numberOfReplicas userId groupId sizeOfFile(in bytes)
  modificationDate(yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm) fileName

    -C  Display the paths of files and directories only.
    -d  Directories are listed as plain files.
    -h  Formats the sizes of files in a human-readable fashion
        rather than a number of bytes.
    -q  Print ? instead of non-printable characters.
    -R  Recursively list the contents of directories.
    -t  Sort files by modification time (most recent first).
    -S  Sort files by size.
    -r  Reverse the order of the sort.
    -u  Use time of last access instead of modification for
        display and sorting.
    -e  Display the erasure coding policy of files and directories.



Li Wang, Technical Solution Manager

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