I'm having trouble rerunning failed workflows run by coordinators in oozie. When I click the rerun button I get:
"RERUN action for could not be completed". Checking the oozie logs I see:
org.apache.oozie.servlet.XServletException: E0302: Invalid parameter [Multiple app paths specified, only one is allowed]
If I access the failed oozie URL in the logs (after stripping the CGI params) I get the job it's trying to submit. I see that both the following are defined:
"conf":"<configuration>\r\n <property>\r\n <name>oozie.wf.application.path<\/name>\r\n <value>\/mypath\/workflow\/my_workflow.xml<\/value> ...
Is this the multiple app paths it talks of? Has anyone else seen this? I'm not adding configuration anywhere else to try and specify the workflow.