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Cant kill an oozie workflow

Expert Contributor

Hello community,

One of my devs have executed some oozie workflows with a wrong namenode and now the workflows is frozen.

I have tried to kill it in any possible way, it prompts like it's sucessfully killed, but the workflows still in the console as RUNNING.

[oozie@hadoop01 oozie]$ oozie jobs -kill -filter status=RUNNING
the following jobs have been killed
Job ID                                   App Name     Status    User      Group     Started                 Ended
0000006-170324203356317-oozie-oozi-W     BIGDP46B - AppBigRexManClientRUNNING   batch     -         2017-03-29 14:31 GMT    -
0000004-170324203356317-oozie-oozi-W     BIGDP46B - AppBigRexManClientRUNNING   bigdata   -         2017-03-29 14:23 GMT    -
0000003-170324203356317-oozie-oozi-W     BIGDP46B - AppBigRexManClientRUNNING   bigdata   -         2017-03-29 14:21 GMT    -
0000002-170324203356317-oozie-oozi-W     BIGDP46B - AppBigRexManClientRUNNING   bigdata   -         2017-03-29 13:54 GMT    -
[oozie@hadoop01 oozie]$ oozie jobs -filter status=RUNNING
Job ID                                   App Name     Status    User      Group     Started                 Ended
0000006-170324203356317-oozie-oozi-W     BIGDP46B - AppBigRexManClientRUNNING   batch     -         2017-03-29 14:31 GMT    -
0000004-170324203356317-oozie-oozi-W     BIGDP46B - AppBigRexManClientRUNNING   bigdata   -         2017-03-29 14:23 GMT    -
0000003-170324203356317-oozie-oozi-W     BIGDP46B - AppBigRexManClientRUNNING   bigdata   -         2017-03-29 14:21 GMT    -
0000002-170324203356317-oozie-oozi-W     BIGDP46B - AppBigRexManClientRUNNING   bigdata   -         2017-03-29 13:54 GMT    -
[oozie@LTBIG01 oozie]$

I don't know what is going on, I've tried restarting the server but the problem persist, I also have tried to change the status to KILLED directly in the DB from the tables WF_JOBS and WF_ACTIONS, but it keeps showing it as RUNNING.

I have check the logs and it's clean.

Do you know what maybe going on?

Thank you in advance!



@Juan Manuel Nieto, can you please check if a yarn/MR job related to this oozie workflow still running ?

Expert Contributor

Hello @yvora the mr/yarn job is not running, it didn't start


What Oozie DB are you using? Also what is the status that you see when you run -info command on one of the workflow that you are trying to kill? e.g -


If that is also shown as RUNNING. Have you tried killing just one of the workflow by giving specific workflow ID instead of running using filter? What output does that give?


@Juan Manuel Nieto I am not sure if this question has been resolved by this point. However running the following command will kill the specific Oozie job:

oozie job -oozie http://hostname:port/oozie/ -kill jobID

I hope this helps you!