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Changing Password for HDFS service user


if i change the passoword for hdfs service account ,will if affect any of the services like hdfs,yarn,hbase,hive...





Hi @sarm,


Thank you for reaching out to Cloudera Community!


To better assist you with this issue, it would be great if you could please help to provide the following additional information:

1) Is the cluster on which you are planning to change password is kerberized ?

2) Do you use CM or Ambari for managing your cluster? 

Madhuri Adipudi, Technical Solutions Manager

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Hi @Madhur ,


Thanks for responding ..!!

1) Is the cluster on which you are planning to change password is kerberized ?

yes the cluster is kerberized 


2) Do you use CM or Ambari for managing your cluster? 

I use Ambari for Managing the cluster 

Expert Contributor

Hello @sarm 


Please refer the below community post to do the needful


Thank you,



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Hello @sarm ,


what are the impacts of changing service account password in kerberized cluster ?


Service accounts like  hdfs, hbase, spark, etc. password rely on keytabs. It has principals which look like any other normal user principal but they do rely on having valid keytabs around. If the passwords for these service accounts expire/ change  then you will need to re-generate keytabs for them once the password is updated. You can re-generate these keytabs in Ambari by going to the Kerberos screen and pressing the "Regenerate Keytabs" button. This will also automatically distribute the keytabs where they are needed. Note it's always best to restart the cluster when you do this.


NOTE:- for better smoothness of this process please try changing password for one service account followed by service restart and observe if any impact is there and then proceed for other Service Accounts.


To answer your question, changing the password of the service accounts would not affect the running services since the passwords are not used to start the service. Hence passwords are not required during the service startup or during the life time of process.



Madhuri Adipudi, Technical Solutions Manager

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