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Cloud Sizing for AWS, Azure and Google - What are best instance types to use?

Master Guru

What are the best instance types for HDP nodes (master, data, edge)?

I found a number of instance types that may work.

Looking at


Rough Pricing

Amazon Types

Amazon EC2 Types


Master Guru

@Timothy Spann "best" is a subjective term when it comes to public cloud providers. I would take your typically on perm profile and back port it to the AWS EC2 profiles. From a pricing perspective you can further spread the master/datanodes services to small boxes based on cost difference. For example ZK uses low ram. Then you can find a small 2-4gig box for your ZK quorum. Take the typical on perm requirements and back port into 1:M VM on your cloud provider.

For example

Master Nodes - Multipule of m4.4xlarge, or r3.4xlarge

Data nodes - i2.4xlarge or d2.4xlarge

Storm nodes - c4.4xlarge

Spark - x1.32xlarge

GPU processing - g2.2xlarge

View solution in original post


Master Guru

@Timothy Spann "best" is a subjective term when it comes to public cloud providers. I would take your typically on perm profile and back port it to the AWS EC2 profiles. From a pricing perspective you can further spread the master/datanodes services to small boxes based on cost difference. For example ZK uses low ram. Then you can find a small 2-4gig box for your ZK quorum. Take the typical on perm requirements and back port into 1:M VM on your cloud provider.

For example

Master Nodes - Multipule of m4.4xlarge, or r3.4xlarge

Data nodes - i2.4xlarge or d2.4xlarge

Storm nodes - c4.4xlarge

Spark - x1.32xlarge

GPU processing - g2.2xlarge

Master Guru

Thanks for the analysis. Does anyone have similiar sizings for Google and Azure: