Created 05-15-2018 07:39 PM
Everyday in the evening i stopped my cloudbreak VM and restart next morning while i start working. MY cloudbreak VM's Public IP is static, even though every time while starting cloud break VM, I am not able to access the cloud break UI. Then i need to execute cbd restart or cbd start. Sometimes before these two commands I need to execute cbd update . Then in azure I need to reset password . after all these i am able to see cloud break UI in browser. My question:
1. How can i resolve this issue? Restarting cloud break VM do i always need to to execute those commands everytime?
2. Today though i am able to access the UI, but its saying error "UI is not able to connect cloudbreak". Please see the snap shot.cbd-error.jpg
how to resolve this issue? FYI: I am using cloudbreak 2.5.0 on Azure. Thank you
Created 05-17-2018 09:56 PM
Hi Marshal,
The Cloudbreak containers do not start on boot with the docker service. You can create a service and set to start on boot. Try this (working on CentOS 7):
[Unit] Description=Start Cloudbreak containers After=docker.service [Service] Type=forking WorkingDirectory=/var/lib/cloudbreak-deployment ExecStart=/usr/bin/cbd start [Install]
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl enable cbd-start.service
After restart the VM, and Cloudbreak is running, you can access it via a browser.
Best regards,
Created 05-17-2018 09:56 PM
Hi Marshal,
The Cloudbreak containers do not start on boot with the docker service. You can create a service and set to start on boot. Try this (working on CentOS 7):
[Unit] Description=Start Cloudbreak containers After=docker.service [Service] Type=forking WorkingDirectory=/var/lib/cloudbreak-deployment ExecStart=/usr/bin/cbd start [Install]
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl enable cbd-start.service
After restart the VM, and Cloudbreak is running, you can access it via a browser.
Best regards,
Created 05-21-2018 04:36 PM
Hi @gtopolyai,
Thanks a lot for your response. The script is working. Thanks for the help.
But Having the same issue with the 2nd one. Cloudbreak UI is showing an error: please check the screenshot. cbd-error2.jpg and the password is not working initially. when resetting the password through Azure portal cbd-error3.jpg Then password works with error "The UI could not connect to cloudbreak "cbd-error.jpg. But last 3 weeks when i did not try restart my cloudbreak VM everything was working fine without any issue. what might be the problem here? please suggest.
Thank you.
Created 05-22-2018 08:55 AM
Hi Marshal,
We have some issue with cbd start command. I suggest a workaround for you. Change this:
ExecStart=/usr/bin/cbd start
With this:
ExecStart=/usr/bin/cbd restart
This command is an alias for these commands:
cbd kill cbd regenerate cbd start
Best regards,
Created 05-22-2018 07:43 PM
Hi @gtopolyai,
Thanks for the update. Yeap, restart works better than only start.
But still "UI is not able to connect Cloudbreak."cbd-error.jpg In the credential section there is no credential available, where there was one before restart cbd-error4.jpg. Here is the cbd ps stratus: Is it because of cbreak_cloudbreak_1 is not in start state? I have tried to run the script " sh " in that location. But it did not work.
cbd ps
Name Command State Ports ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- cbreak_cloudbreak_1 / bash Exit 1 cbreak_commondb_1 /bin/bash -c cd /var/lib/p ... Up>5432/tcp cbreak_consul_1 /bin/consul agent -server ... Up 8300/tcp, 8301/tcp, 8301/udp, 8302/tcp, 8302/udp,>8400/tcp,>8500/tcp,86000/tcp,>8600/udp cbreak_haveged_1 haveged -F Up cbreak_identity_1 /tmp/ Up>8080/tcp cbreak_logrotate_1 / Up cbreak_logsink_1 socat -u TCP-LISTEN:3333,r ... Up>3333/tcp cbreak_logspout_1 /bin/sh -c sleep 1; (ROUTE ... Up>80/tcp cbreak_mail_1 /bin/sh -c /opt/ ... Up>25/tcp cbreak_periscope_1 / Up>8080/tcp cbreak_registrator_1 /bin/registrator consul:// ... Up cbreak_smartsense_1 /var/lib/smartsense/start- ... Exit 1 cbreak_sultans_1 /hortonworks-cloud-auth/st ... Up>3000/tcp, 3001/tcp cbreak_traefik_1 / --debug --w ... Up>443/tcp,>80/tcp,>8080/tcp cbreak_uluwatu_1 /hortonworks-cloud-web/sta ... Up>3000/tcp
Created 05-23-2018 09:55 AM
Hi Marshal,
Could you please attach the logs?
You can save into a file with this command:
docker logs cbreak_cloudbreak_1 > cloudbreak.log
Created 05-23-2018 04:53 PM
Hi @gtopolyai,
Please have the log attached. Thank youcloudbreaklog.txt
Created 05-25-2018 11:39 AM
Hi @Marshal Tito,
Please check if you have firewalld and SELinux disabled. These can cause the issues seen in the logs.