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Cloudera CDH and Oracle Database Migration

New Contributor


we need to migrate the oracle databases used by cloudera from an oracle server 12.1 to an oracle server 19c.

Are there any guidelines or documentation explaining how to change the oracle server used by Cloudera CDH 5.15 and how to migrate the oracle databases used by Cloudera CDH?

Thank you all.


Master Guru

@Alex_IT All you need is a backup of the CM DB and then you have to create the CM DB on Oracle 19c and dump the old backup there. 

Then you have to point the file to the new DB server. This doc can give you a high level steps with respect to DB migration but at core the objective is same.

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New Contributor

Hi, thanks for the reply.
The link you suggested is a great guide to migrate the CM DB to the new oracle instance.
I also need to migrate the other databases e.g. Sentry DB, Hue DB and Hive DB.
Is there a procedure for this too?
Thanks in advance.

Master Guru

@Alex_IT Yes Almost the same but for you ease take a look of: 

1. Migrating Hue Database 

2. Migrate Sentry DB

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New Contributor
Hi, thank you for your reply, I have read the articles you suggested and I found them very useful. Since in our case, we are changing the oracle server 12 for an new oracle server 19, I thought to proceed like this: 1. Backup of oracle server 12 schemas 2. Restore the schemas on the new oracle server 19.3 3. From Cloudera Manager change the host database for cloudera services. Could this be a correct procedure? Thank you in advance.

Master Mentor


From my Oracle knowledge, there are 2 options for migrating the same Oracle_home [DB] from 12C to 19C  if you are running then you have the direct path see the attached matrix.

Oracle Upgrade.JPG

With this option, you won't need to change the hostname. 
The other option is to export your current schema CM ,oozie,hive,hue,Ranger etc schemas   install a fresh Oracle 19c box with an empty database, and import the old schemas this could be a challenge as you might have to rebuild indexes or recompile some database packages etc but bot are doable.

Hope that helps