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Cloudera Data Center 7 trial license error


I am installing Cloudera 7 Data Center on AWS m5.xlarge (as a single node cluster) and ran into this problem - logs from /var/logs/cloudera-scm-server


020-04-26 16:26:28,355 ERROR ParcelUpdateService:com.cloudera.parcel.components.ParcelDownloaderImpl: Failed to download manifest. Status code: 401 URI:
2020-04-26 16:26:28,355 ERROR ParcelUpdateService:com.cloudera.parcel.components.ParcelDownloaderImpl: Could not retrieve repository info for repo Got HTTP response code 401
2020-04-26 16:26:28,454 WARN ParcelUpdateService:com.cloudera.parcel.components.ParcelDownloaderImpl: Invalid parcel in manifest : CDH-7.0.3-1.cdh7.0.3.p0.1635019-stretch.parcel
2020-04-26 16:26:34,884 INFO StaleEntityEviction:com.cloudera.server.cmf.StaleEntityEvictionThread: Reaped total of 0 deleted commands
2020-04-26 16:26:34,884 INFO StaleEntityEviction:com.cloudera.server.cmf.StaleEntityEvictionThread: Found no commands older than 2018-04-27T16:26:34.884Z to reap.


I noticed this error at the web UI - under "Parcel Repository & Network Settings" dialog box / under step (4) select your repository.


Cloudera Manager checks the connection to the configured parcel repository URLs. A valid license is required to access most Cloudera parcel repositories.


Cloudera Manager checks the connection to the configured parcel repository URLs. A valid license is required to access most Cloudera parcel repositories.


New Contributor

Looks like solution was found on link 

View solution in original post


Master Guru

@EnableMe For trial version you have to follow the steps on Given Link. The location is for valid subscription users for which you have to follow the steps given in this Link where you have to generate a user name and password form you Valid CM license. 

Trial Installation

Ideal for trying CDP Data Center for the first time, this installer will download Cloudera Manager and guide you through the setup process. This creates a self-contained environment and doesn’t require installing any additional software.  Users setting up CDP Data Center for production use should not use these instructions but instead follow the installation instructions in CDP documentation.
Note: A trial installation cannot easily be upgraded, backed up, or migrated into a production-ready configuration without manual steps, described here. If you plan to migrate this system into a production system, consider using the Production Installation process described here instead.
Pre-requisites: Creating a CDP cluster requires multiple, Internet-connected Linux machines. For details please see the CDP system requirements.
Installation instructions:  Type the following at a Linux command prompt to begin an automated CDP installation.
$ wget
$ chmod u+x cloudera-manager-installer.bin
$ sudo ./cloudera-manager-installer.bin


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I followed **all those referenced**, went through the links and more!


It bothers me is why am I stuck at this location when this is clearly a 60-day trial version. Let me share two screens that clearly contradict. Parcel is looking for license, Administrator / License says Licensing is okay.


Has anyone installed this version on AWS m5.xlarge (single instance) RHEL 7.6 and not encountered this problem? I have not made any manual modification, configuration changes, tweaking, etc. Disabled SELINUX, set complete hostname with domain, etc., and there are no network (internet) access problems and all AWS settings are okay as well (security groups, NACL, etc.).

Parcel listingParcel listingFrom Administrator / LicenseFrom Administrator / License


New Contributor

I am getting the same error. Were you able to get through this?

New Contributor

Looks like solution was found on link 


Thank you for this link: trying this out.


(Yet) another bizarre thing happened with 7.1.x installation - after several attempts I was able to install and get the Cloudera Manager up with web UI.


Most of the services were unavailable even after manually starting them (either through 'service' command or through web UI). Upon observing settings, system activities and logs, I noticed Cloudera was using 6.x binaries AND there were no 7.x files (except for the client libraries). 


Hoping to see 7.x running with minimal difficulties.